Results for: the daily caller

The Top 22 Biden Gaffes of the 2020 Campaign... So Far
the campaign trail. … teacher and a firefighter." — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 16, 2019 7. 720 million women … Rather than admit the error, when he was called out on it, he defended the lie by saying the “central point” was “correct.”…
Less Than a Third of Americans Think Biological Boys Should Be Allowed to Compete on Sports Teams With Girls…ould-be-allowed-to-compete-on-sports-teams-with-girls-n70285
Daily Caller: Despite the unpopularity of allowing male athletes into girls’ sports, legislation supported by every Democratic presidential … The Equality Act, which passed the House with unanimous Democratic support in May, would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make … June Eastwood, a biologically male cross-country runner for the University of Montana, was named the conference female athlete of the
[WATCH] Joy and Whoopi Get Wrecked by Don Jr. Reminding Them of 'Blackface' and 'Rape-Rape'…d-by-don-jr-reminding-them-of-blackface-and-rape-rape-n70250
– /MW7mHCFDRw — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 7, 2019 Sunny Hostin tried to claim that it’s a federal crime to name a whistleblower … The hosts of The View are lying about the whistleblower statute. … Here's the statute that proves it's only a crime for the IG to release the name of the whistleblower.…
Conan the Terrorist-Killing Dog Visits the White House
– NEW: President Trump honors Conan, the hero dog injured in the raid that led to the death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi: “Conan did a … the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 25, 2019 Trump … If you still like dogs after today, you have to wear a MAGA hat all the time. Sorry, those are the rules.…
As It Turns Out, Socialist Politicians Can Be Crooks Too
The Daily Caller has a summary of what Reps. … Multiple former FEC commissioners told the Daily Caller News Foundation that Ocasio-Cortez could face civil or criminal penalties for … In one picture, obtained by the Daily Mail, the two were holding hands. Again, this sort of crookedness happens all the time.…
Several Arrests Made at Ann Coulter Event at Berkeley
– Coulter told the Daily Caller that she missed the good old days. … But then they’d come in, I’d give a quick speech and take question-and-answer all night,” she told the Daily Caller before the event … One student who tried to enter the venue was assaulted and sent to the hospital.…
Report: More Than 100 Dead in Iran Protests Due to Sniper Fire
The announcement plays into the hands of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani who have said U.S., Israel … Daily Caller: “The organization believes that the real death toll may be much higher, with some reports suggesting as many as 200 … The regime is teetering on the edge and it wouldn’t take much to push them over the precipice on to the scrap heap of history.…
Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan Insults Barron Trump for Some Reason…ss-pamela-karlan-insults-barron-trump-for-some-reason-n70876
– You don’t attack the president’s kids, no matter how much you hate the president. … So, while the President can name his son ‘Barron,’ he can’t make him a Baron.” — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller … out of the Oval Office.…
Impeachment Is Raising Millions for Trump's Reelection Campaign
Daily Caller noted, “many of the Democratic primary candidates failed to raise $10 million in the entire third quarter of 2019,” and … And some of the thanks can go right to the Democrats! …  The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama.…
I Accuse the Leadership of the Democratic Party of Responsibility for Violence Against Jews…ic-party-of-responsibility-for-violence-against-jews-n133019
– Where is the outrage in the Democratic Party? Where are Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and the rest? … From The Daily Caller: At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a … reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.…
Does the 23rd GOP Retirement Spell Doom for Retaking the House?
– Maybe the wave of retirements indicates that some members don’t feel confident that the GOP can retake the House next year, but it … Or as former Ohio congressman Jim Renacci wrote for Daily Caller last week, “rather than reading these retirements as a sign that Republicans … There are grounds for optimism on the re-aligned — well, the re-aligning — GOP taking back the House next year, too.…
Judge Judy: Family Court a 'Dumping Ground for Morons and Political Hacks' and Should Be Monitored by the Press…political-hacks-and-should-be-monitored-by-the-press-n70995
The Daily Caller has excellent coverage of this case as does the Edgar County Watchdogs. … The police are, however, finding the time to call Witkowski to harass the grieving mother about her Facebook postings. … the privacy of the children, but it also serves to shield the state actors from any scrutiny or public oversight.…
Supreme Court Fallout: Calif. Teachers Sue Unions to Recoup Unconstitutional 'Agency Fees'…ers-sue-unions-to-recoup-unconstitutional-agency-fees-n59310
– , the plaintiff in the new lawsuit, told Education Week. … Janus decided the issue, striking down the 1977 ruling Abood v. … Nat Malkus, deputy director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), told the Daily Caller that this…
Rep. Jim Jordan Denies He Ignored Sexual Abuse at Ohio State: 'Absolutely Not True'…gnored-sexual-abuse-at-ohio-state-absolutely-not-true-n59291
– Richard Strauss is accused of molesting student-athletes while he served as the team’s doctor from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. … up in her husband’s name, according to Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller.  … Police records reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation show that DiSabato was arrested on Feb. 1 on charges of telecommunications…
Imran Awan, Former IT Aide to Congressional Democrats, Gets Slap on the Wrist in Plea Deal…ssional-democrats-gets-slap-on-the-wrist-in-plea-deal-n59214
– According to the Daily Caller, only one person sat at the prosecutors’ table: J.P. … The case was handled by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. … Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller reported Monday that on Feb. 3, 2017, Congress’s top law enforcement official, Sergeant-at-Arms Paul…
UK Newspaper Whitewashes Religious Affiliation of Rotherham Muslim Grooming Gang…ligious-affiliation-of-rotherham-muslim-grooming-gang-n59603
The article does not mention the words “Muslim” or “Islam,” nor does it mention the ethnicity of the perpetrators even once. … According to the UK Daily Mail: Members of a Rotherham sex gang today yelled “Allahu Akbar” in court as they were jailed for abusing … Daily Record (@Daily_Record) May 15, 2015 But don’t speak out about it, folks, because you’ll be jailed as reported by the Daily
Uber Driver Boots Group of NC Young Republicans From Vehicle, Dumps Them at Gas Station…ng-republicans-from-vehicle-dumps-them-at-gas-station-n59564
– , shared their unpleasant experience with the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill. … — Uber Support (@Uber_Support) July 15, 2018 An Uber spokesperson told the Daily Caller that they were looking into the situation … According to the Caller, a congressional intern was also denied service in an Uber on Tuesday because he was wearing a “Make America…
San Francisco Mayor: 'More Feces on the Sidewalks Than I've Ever Seen...'
– In an interview with the local NBC affiliate, Breed admitted the problem was out of control.  … The Daily Caller: “We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” preschool teacher Adelita Orellana told KNTV. … Breed said San Francisco’s high cost of living cast the city’s homeless onto the streets.…
53 Percent of Non-Disabled Working Age Medicaid Recipients Do Not Work
Daily Caller: Fifty-three percent of non-disabled working age Medicaid recipients worked an average of zero hours per month while … The subset of recipients with the largest percentage of non-workers was adults aged 50-64 without children, according to the report … The Council’s statement that accompanied the report tries to answer that question: “The American work ethic, the motivation that…
Here's How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Would Pay for All Her Freebees
– Appearing on “The Daily Show” with Trevor Noah, OC was asked a question that just about any politician worth their salt would hit out … The Daily Caller: “This is an excellent, excellent question,” she replied. … the wealthiest to help dig the country out of economic crisis.…
President Trump Puts Big Tech on Notice for Discriminating Against Conservatives…ch-on-notice-for-discriminating-against-conservatives-n59815
– (Does anyone remember The Globe and Bat Boy? We used to live for that crap back in the ’80s!) … Not a single member of the 78-person Progressive Caucus faces the same situation in Twitter’s search.” … Daily Caller.…
Trump May Revoke Security Clearances of Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey, Hayden, and Rice…ances-of-brennan-clapper-mccabe-comey-hayden-and-rice-n59732
The White House is looking into revoking the security clearances of several top Obama-era intelligence and law enforcement officials … , White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday during the daily press briefing. … A DOJ official told the Daily Caller that “Strzok was given a limited clearance in preparation for the hearing that “will end when…
The Roaming Outrage Mob Took Down Roseanne Barr and James Gunn, But You're Probably Safe…roseanne-barr-and-james-gunn-but-youre-probably-safe-n59722
– Molly Prince, Daily Caller: Filmmaker James Gunn came to the defense of director Mark Duplass on Wednesday after Duplass committed … The grim details are at the link. … Gunn’s public statements are legitimate news, and the reporters at my old haunt the Daily Caller were just presenting the facts.…
Carter Page FISA Applications Released by DOJ
– allegations against Page, The Daily Caller reported. … , telling The Daily Caller: “Now, with the actual documents in hand, not political spin written by lawmakers with agendas, the American … He told The Daily Caller: “I’m having trouble finding any small bit of this document that rises above completely [sic] ignorance and…
Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, and Antifa Square Off in Portland
– According to The Daily Caller, Patriot Prayer hired armed guards to accompany the protesters to Portland, though Gibson himself will … So if you are someone that has the capability and the courage to be able to do this too we say to you: this is the time to act. … EST: The police ordered the crowd to disperse after antifa threw projectiles at the police: The sound truck has announced:…
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