Results for: VP TO TRUMP

Trump Wins Dem Debate: Bernie Strikes Out as Biden Fails to Flop
– In a telling exchange, Sanders insisted he alone could drive turnout up enough to beat Trump while Biden referred to actual primary … to defeat President Trump in November. … President Donald Trump effectively won this debate, especially when it came to Biden’s response on drilling for oil.…
Eight-Hour Waits at U.S. Airports for Virus Screenings Called 'Unacceptable' and 'Atrocious'…r-virus-screenings-called-unacceptable-and-atrocious-n379260
– @realDonaldTrump @VP since this is the only communication medium you pay attention to—you need to do something NOW. … Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot weirdly referred to the travel ban as “reactionary” and blamed it all on Trump. … The Democratic politicians going off on Trump is to be expected. But what did these travelers expect?…
Why Twitter Is Bad for Our Cultural Health
– Wit, wisdom, and useful dissenting opinion are sure to be found there, though you may have to search for it. … And given the vast extent of media censorship and outright lying, Twitter remains one of the few outlets for Donald Trump to address … could continue to see her tweets.…
The Morning Briefing: Bernie Will Stick Around as Long as He Can Just to Embarrass the Democrats…nd-as-long-as-he-can-just-to-embarrass-the-democrats-n380200
– now, and not expose Biden to another debate. … to implode. … to the virus as “foreign” would seem like xenophobia to many Americans.…
Clyburn Asks DNC to 'Shut This Primary Down' to Protect Biden From Something He 'Cannot Overcome'…n-to-protect-biden-from-something-he-cannot-overcome-n380455
– Other 2020 Democrats have attacked Biden, claiming he is not a champion of the black community — a message on which Trump is sure to … Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) to run his gun policy. Yet much of the race between Trump and Biden seems already baked in. … Clyburn’s call for the DNC to end the primary does not speak well to his confidence about Biden’s ability to defeat Trump in November…
The Morning Briefing: Beer Blog Fridays Until the Plague Is Over
– Game-Changer: Trump Releases Plan to Free Americans Stuck in the House Due to COVID-19 Democrats Are Giddy That We Have a Real Crisis … These CEOs Are Giving Up Their Salaries During the Coronavirus Crisis VIP The Real Reason the Anti-Trump Media Wants to Stop Airing … Could He Beat Trump?…
The Morning Briefing: Is Gretchen Whitmer Satan, Stalin, or Both?
– Whitmer is one of those tedious Democrats in the Trump era who feel that their only job is to publicly spar with the president and … Just a few things need to go her way. The first, obviously, is becoming Biden’s VP pick. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020 This Is Really How “Planet of the Apes” Begins Thai zoo forces chimp to ride bike, spray…
The Morning Briefing: Press Spins Themselves Into Oblivion Covering for Rapey Joe Biden…hemselves-into-oblivion-covering-for-rapey-joe-biden-n385912
– Amplify efforts to question?" … It’s beginning to look as if the monkeys will at least have to pay some attention now. … Date A Trump Voter Than Single Republicans Are To Date A Clinton Voter President Trump tells the press to let Sleepy Joe Biden know…
President Cuomo? Vice President Whitmer? Is This Really the Best the Democrats Have to Offer?…is-this-really-the-best-the-democrats-have-to-offer-n385876
– Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer decided to show her inner tyrant while auditioning for Joe Biden’s VP slot. … Maybe Governor Cuomo will need to ask Trump to fix his unemployment system. … Since he has already asked President Trump for everything he needed to manage the pandemic, it would make sense.…
The Morning Briefing: Americans Getting Restless Under the Government COVID Boot…ans-getting-restless-under-the-government-covid-boot-n385874
– VIP Gold Going To Carry A Gun To A Protest? … Earth Day Allows Media to Find Some ‘Good News’ in Nationwide Quarantine Stacey Abrams Shares ‘Concerns’ About Biden VP Criteria … Pelosi: Forget Remote Voting — Get Back To Work WaPo: No, Trump Didn’t Send American PPE To China Zoom’s encryption update is…
Democrats Should Worry, Because Joe Biden Clearly Can't Handle the Presidency…because-joe-biden-clearly-cant-handle-the-presidency-n384596
– WATCH as Joe Biden jumps from one sentence to another in the middle of a thought, then has to look down at his notes to remember "testing … , tracking, and treatment." — Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) April 21, 2020 … Donald Trump is going to destroy him in the debates. 6 Recent Examples of Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline That Should Concern Us All…
The Morning Briefing: Educators Are Nervous About Kids Being Away From Public School Indoctrination During Shutdown…ay-from-public-school-indoctrination-during-shutdown-n384831
– Who knows what is going to happen in the fall? … Accuses Trump of Poorly Handling the Coronavirus MSNBC’s Hot Take: ‘If You Want the Government to Open, Then You Want More Black … Adviser Symone Sanders blames Trump for the PPP program running out of money. Who wants to tell her?…
Trump Will Be Running Against the VP Nominee and All Signs Are Pointing to Kamala Harris…nominee-and-all-signs-are-pointing-to-kamala-harris-n388517
– So, Harris may be the best choice Trump supporters could hope for. She brings nothing to the Electoral College. … Trump is speaking about opportunity for every American and has a record to prove it. … And to combat criticism from the Trump camp, she will absolutely have to run from her own record.…
Predatory Lawyer Lisa Bloom Killed #MeToo With One Tweet
– You're not asking for $.You've obviously struggled mightily with this.I still have to fight Trump, so I will still support Joe.But … They only subscribe to their high morals when there’s a Republican to harm. … called Larry King to ask him about what to do if you’ve been assaulted by a senator!…
Tara Reade’s 1993 Complaint May Never Turn Up, Here’s Why
– in the Senate that must have looked shady to a VP vetting team, had they uncovered it. … At this point, he was a powerful senator who had certainly managed to fill his office with loyalists who would go to great lengths … to protect him.…
The Morning Briefing: The Stay-At-Home Peasants Are Revolting
to go to the store when lockdown first started. … Germany Bans Hezbollah and Raids Its Mosques Trump: ‘CNN and Others Should Pay for What They’ve Done to General Flynn’ Trump Supporters … Joe Biden Selects — I’m Not Making This Up — Chris ‘Waitress Sandwich’ Dodd to Lead VP Search Who Do They Think They Are?…
As in 1944, Democratic Running Mate Selection Seems Pivotal
– Union to launch the Cold War. … and do trillions of dollars more damage to the economy. … Donald Trump.…
The Morning Briefing: 'The Robert Mueller Story' Was Box Office Poison
– Why was Joseph Mifsud not charged for lying to the the FBI when several Trump associates were? … Related: Trump says Mueller did ‘horrible’ job at hearings, but had ‘nothing to work with’ Senate Democrats will try to force vote … Nevada and Arizona as high taxes, home prices force them out Bette Midler suggests Trump paid African-Americans to add diversity…
The Morning Briefing: Fredo Lives!
– Imho Chris Cuomo has zero to apologize for. … Rather than challenge Beto on the hypocrisy, Tapper just stared at him like he wanted to ask him to prom. … CNN VP tries to defend Cuomo, steps in it Feds raid Epstein’s pedo island Beto changes a flat tire and no that’s not a metaphor…
Cherokee Nation Demands Their Own Member of Congress, Suggests Former Obama Staffer…own-member-of-congress-suggests-former-obama-staffer-n68338
– Chief Hoskin is nominating Kim Teehee, the tribe’s current VP of government relations, to serve as the delegate,” the tribe announced … Chief Hoskin is nominating Kim Teehee, the tribe’s current VP of government relations, to serve as the delegate. … to allow Teehee to join Congress.…
On Constitution Day, Pence Praises Trump's 150 Originalist Judges, Slams Kavanaugh Smears…trumps-150-originalist-judges-slams-kavanaugh-smears-n68943
– “In the last two and a half years, President Trump has appointed 150 federal judges to our courts and they are all conservatives who … He looked forward to joining “a room full of new Americans who will come to the White House to swear their allegiance to this country … and to swear their oath to the constitution of the United States.”…
Mike Pence to Iran: U.S. Military Is 'Locked and Loaded' After Saudi Oil Strike
– Under Trump, “our armed forces have taken the fight to our enemies on our terms on their soil. … @vp Mike Pence responds to Iran attack on Saudi oil field: “I promise you, we’re ready.” The military is funded and prepared. … “If Iran conducted this latest attack to pressure President Trump to back off, they will fail,” the vice president declared.…
Angry Trump: 'The Media Are an Arm of the Democrat Party'
– President Donald Trump has responded to reports in the mainstream media saying that there’s unrest in his administration about a possible … I always think it is good to meet and talk, but in this case I decided not to. The Dishonest Media likes to create… — Donald J. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 9, 2019 …the Economy, where there is NO Recession, much to the regret of the LameStream Media…
Biden Accuses Trump of Trying to 'Hijack an Election' in Ukraine Call
– We must hold Trump accountable. We cannot let him get away with shredding our Constitution,” the former VP wrote. … It may be improper for Trump to ask a foreign president to help investigate alleged corruption surrounding his political opponent, … Trump had frozen $391 million in military aid to Ukraine before the call, leading Democrats to suggest a quid pro quo.…
Is Hillary Positioning Herself to Jump in if Biden Falters?
– Hillary: Trump Pulling Back In Syria Betrays His Oath of Office At the same time, Democrats are trying to impeach Trump over a phone … Surprisingly, a full 18 percent said Clinton should enter the race, despite losing to Trump in 2016. … More than half of voters say they are likely to vote against Trump next year.…
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