Results for: the daily caller

The Morning Briefing: CNN Spanks Itself, SCOTUS Watch, Kislyak Bounces and Much, Much More…tself-scotus-watch-kislyak-bounces-and-much-much-more-n52171
– Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. … Peter Hasson at The Daily Caller writes: The network was forced to rewrite a story earlier this month that claimed former FBI Director … rewritten story but were later added back in after an inquiry from The Daily Caller.…
CIA Defends the Muslim Brotherhood as Western Intel Agencies Warn of Dangers, Links to Terror…estern-intel-agencies-warn-of-dangers-links-to-terror-n97463
– nations are taking active measures against Qatar for its support of the the Brotherhood: The Muslim Brotherhood is the root of the … Local Sweden (@TheLocalSweden) March 3, 2017 The Daily Mail reported: The Muslim Brotherhood is creating a ‘parallel social … Muslim Brotherhood Lobbies Congress — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 21, 2017…
Veteran Blinded by Terrorist Omar Khadr Says Trudeau Guilty of Treason
– Justin Trudeau came under withering attack and the country was split down the middle over the terms of the settlement. … But what of the victims of Omar Khadr’s grenade attack? The widow of the medic, Sgt. … The Daily Caller reports: In an interview with the Toronto Sun on Saturday, Layne Morris says Trudeau’s decision to reward the former…
Brit Hume's Strange and Heartless Prescription for Health Care
– I first cited The Daily Caller, which posted this,I found that portions were true. … Hume’s position, as related in The Daily Caller  and Politicer, is that “coverage for pre-existing conditions defeats the whole idea … The author of the famous South Beach Diet, Dr.…
Antifa Site Includes Tips on Committing Sabotage
– They may be a bunch of basement-dwelling losers, but according to a report by The Daily Caller, an Antifa website includes information … man rather than the masked vigilante. … The kicker, however, is that the site is partially funded via the website Patreon.…
White House Mulls Giving DHS Expanded Deportation Powers
The Trump White House is considering turning back the clock on expedited deportation of illegal aliens by expanding the power of theThe Daily Caller: Administration officials confirmed that the revised guidelines are under review. … The DHS memo was first delivered to the White House in May and agency officials are reviewing comments on the document from the Office…
Black Activists Criticize Gore for Comparing Climate Change Advocacy to Fight Against Slavery…ring-climate-change-advocacy-to-fight-against-slavery-n52560
The Daily Caller: Horace Cooper, a former assistant law professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, criticized … Gore’s global warming investment group, Generation Investment Management, has not responded to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request … in the room to keep the peace,” he said at the time.…
The Morning Briefing: 'Watch Your Back, Bitch,' The Emmys, Evergreen State Madness and Much, Much More…the-emmys-evergreen-state-madness-and-much-much-more-n52548
– that for days the campus was not under the control of the state? … Robot”), but this year the fools over at the awards snubbed one of the best shows on TV, “The Leftovers,” which recently completed … Harlow was covering the arrival of Trump in Paris, the Daily Caller reported.…
Fraud: Australian Weather Agency Reportedly 'Fixed' Data to Show Warming
The temperature readings fluctuated briefly and then disappeared from the government’s website. … brought the readings to the attention of the bureau. … Yet that’s not what’s happening — as The Daily Caller notes, BOM was also accused of manipulating data in 2014.…
The Morning Briefing: Senators Talk Skillz, Sessions to Talk About Leaks, and Much, Much More…killz-sessions-to-talk-about-leaks-and-much-much-more-n52768
– Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today: In the morning, President Donald J. … In the afternoon, the President will meet with Senator Rob Portman. … caused two years ago, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has found.…
The Morning Briefing: Kellyanne Ascending, Leakers Feed WaPo, and Much, Much More…lyanne-ascending-leakers-feed-wapo-and-much-much-more-n52749
– “Mooch” had the job for a mere 10 days. The White House cast the move as Scaramucci’s decision. … The Daily Caller exclusively reports that might be Kelleyanne Conway. … branch insider told The Daily Caller.…
Accused Oregon Rapist Deported 13 Times Since 2008
The county released him anyway. … The Daily Caller: Because Oregon law prohibits police from using agency resources to enforce immigration law, jail officials released … But it will take the Supreme Court to decide the issue once and for all.…
'Fat' Ladies, It's Time to Cover Up. You're Making 'Daily Caller's' David Hookstead Sick…r-up-youre-making-daily-callers-david-hookstead-sick-n168218
– Well, ladies, he is a shining example of masculinity who works for The Daily Caller — and our extra pounds and baby bellies are making … As for turning the pages of Sports Illustrated and finding these beasts, it’s far too difficult to just keep turning the pages until … David Hookstead does not want to sleep with you so do him the common courtesy of erasing yourselves from the planet!…
Imran Awan Scandal Shows Just How Much Dirt Dems Wanted to Hide by Focusing on Trump-Russia…dirt-dems-wanted-to-hide-by-focusing-on-trump-russia-n42657
– He was arrested after wiring $283,000 from the Congressional Federal Credit Union to Pakistan, The Daily Caller reported. … Just this past weekend, The Daily Caller reported that FBI agents seized damaged computer hard drives from the Awan family last February … It’s been months at this point” with no arrests, Pat Sowers, a 12-year House IT aide told The Daily Caller.…
The Morning Briefing: Mooch to Call the FBI, Dancing with Spicer and Much, Much More…o-call-the-fbi-dancing-with-spicer-and-much-much-more-n52706
– Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then meet with National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster. … In the afternoon, the President will participate in a ceremony recognizing the first responders to the June 14 shooting involving Congressman … ’ for Arrest Luke Rosiak at the Daily Caller has done a hero’s work on the story, which is about much more than “home equity loan…
Dem IT Staffer's Lawyer Blames 'Anti-Muslim Bigotry' and 'PizzaGate Media' for Arrest…es-anti-muslim-bigotry-and-pizzagate-media-for-arrest-n52702
– On February 4, Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller News Foundation picked up the ball and has been running with it ever since. … According to The Daily Caller on Tuesday: Democratic members of Congress, including Rep. … On the call, the [bank] representative asked the man to verify the address of where the wire was being sent and the purpose of the
Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Arrested at Dulles Airport Trying to Flee Country…fer-arrested-at-dulles-airport-trying-to-flee-country-n52690
– to The Daily Caller. … FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from Awan’s home last February, The Daily Caller reported earlier this week, based on … “Members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects,” technology aides told The Daily Caller
The Morning Briefing: How Did Maxine Waters Get So Rich?…chinese-fighter-jet-maxine-waters-and-much-much-more-n52668
The Daily Caller co-founder first pointed out on his show several weeks ago that Waters, who has served in public office for nearly … Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today: President Donald J. Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. … Later in the evening, the President and the First Lady will depart Vienna, Ohio for Washington, D.C., en route to the White House.…
Report: FBI Seized 'Smashed Hard Drives' from Dem IT Suspect's Home
– FBI agents seized damaged computer hard drives from the home of Democrat IT staffer Imran Awan last February, The Daily Caller reported … to the Caller. … “Members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects,” technology aides told The Daily Caller
Texas Republican Wants Mueller to Testify Publicly in Congressional Hearing…mueller-to-testify-publicly-in-congressional-hearing-n52919
Daily Caller reported Friday. … Betsy Woodruff of the Daily Beast uncovered this nugget. A conflict of interest? Surely. … “The first line’s fine, ‘Any links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.’…
The Morning Briefing: Google Fires Its Heretic, and Much Much More…k-at-rahm-google-fires-its-heretic-and-much-much-more-n52839
– STOP CLIMATE DATA CHANGE The Daily Caller has an exclusive story: Researcher Claims To Have Evidence One Of EPA’s Most Successful … “They claimed to find an effect when there wasn’t one,” Donnay told The Daily Caller News Foundation. … The Daily Caller viewed evidence of multiple internal emails showing conversations between various senior engineers demanding retribution…
Oregon Officials Blow Off Press Inquiries Regarding Illegal Alien Rapist In Portland…inquiries-regarding-illegal-alien-rapist-in-portland-n52790
– In the wake of the brutal rape of a 65-year-old woman in Portland, Ore., by an illegal alien drug addict, multiple media outlets have … First, it was reported by Kerry Picket at The Daily Caller that Ron Wyden, Oregon’s Democratic senator, refused comment on the story … : Wyden refused to answer The Daily Caller’s questions about the illegal immigrant accused of raping a 65-year-old woman at her Portland…
Trend? More Naked Men Behaving Badly...
– During the standoff, the man was seen walking around, waving, twitching and even doing calisthenics on the narrow ledge of the crane … Starting with the tamest incidents, here are the latest nudies in the news. OCONEE, S.C . … standing up in the water behind the shell.…
Dartmouth Professor Supports Antifa's Violence
– As The Daily Caller reports: Bray argued that violence is necessary to stop white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups from getting too … It’s sheer luck that none of the multitudes seriously injured by Antifa over the past few years have died. … In this day and age, the Left and the media have turned opposing socialized health care into racism.…
Tech Blacklisting of Counterjihadists Is What Muslim Brotherhood Seeks: Sabotage by Our Hands…nterjihadists-muslim-brotherhood-seeks-sabotage-hands-n53089
– He has published several bestselling books, and through his Jihad Watch website catalogues daily the global jihad’s advance and theDaily Caller, The Washington Times and National Review. … The stifling of voices that seek to counter these efforts – and more broadly the threat to free speech that is growing daily in America…
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