The fusty will undoubtedly spend the next few days hashing over every teeny factoid regarding the five servicemen in Guantanamo who “mishandled” the Koran, even to the extent of dribbling or accidentally spraying (depending on what you read) urine on it, trying to make that sound like the moral equivalent of murdering ten million human beings in the Gulag (when it isn’t even remotely the equivalent of murdering one human being) Meanwhile, in the real world of life and death and the struggle for a decent life, a single human being has indeed been murdered in a vastly more important case.
The good news is that assassination of journalist Samir Kassir seems to be galvanizing the democracy movement in Lebanon once again. It is worth nothing that Lebanese columnist Rami Khouri writes his column describing the current situation under the headline: A death that hastens the liberal victory
. In the Middle East, at least, the word liberal is attached to the causes I remember it being associated with in the old days. I wish our own liberals would understand that. It’s not about Guantanamo. It’s about Lebanon.
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