The New DNC Chair Is Bad Enough, But the New Vice Chair Is Far, Far Worse

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

The Democrats have just had their annual winter meeting, and you’d think that after all the losses they’ve suffered, they would have seized the opportunity to make a course correction. The American people have let them know in no uncertain terms that they’ve had enough of what they’re selling, and yet their only response has been to promise to sell more of it.


On Saturday, I wrote here about their selection of far-left Trump hater Ken Martin as the new chair of the Democratic National Committee, but one of the DNC vice chairs makes Martin look as if he walks around wearing a MAGA hat. The Dems have chosen as one of their primary front beings none other than David Hogg, the arrogant and self-infatuated young far-leftist who shot to fame in 2018 after being inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida when a deranged former student murdered seventeen people there.

As Matt Margolis noted, Hogg is “that kid who earned notoriety after the Parkland school shooting back in 2018, whose 15 minutes of fame expired years ago,” but who “just won’t go away.” Ever since the shooting, Hogg has become a vocal and energetic advocate for disarming Americans in the face of rising crime and Democrat mayors who care little or nothing for the safety and well-being of their constituents. But Hogg isn’t content simply with leaving Americans defenseless in an increasingly dangerous environment.

Fox News reported Sunday that Hogg has also said: "Defund the police not USPS," as well as  "Abolish ICE." So in David Hogg’s perfect America, ordinary citizens wouldn’t have guns, the police would be defunded and perhaps nonexistent, and there would be no border security at all. David Hogg has also said: "The NRA needs to be designated a terrorist organization for the role their supporters played in staging an insurrectionist coup."


Now, David Hogg is 24 years old. He has little life experience, and is only famous in the first place because he was at the scene of a crime. He clearly has no idea what the real world is like, and doesn’t realize that if the people are disarmed, the police defunded, and the border open, society as he knows it would collapse entirely. 

If he were a low-level employee somewhere, pontificating to his colleagues at the office, they might regard him as a bit of an arrogant know-it-all, but essentially harmless. But instead, the Democrats have just given Hogg a massive platform from which to spout his immature and unrealistic views.

It’s revealing. Hogg may be a silly kid who doesn’t realize how destructive the positions he advocates really are, but older and wiser Democrats — okay, older Democrats, as it’s clear that there are no wise ones — must know. Many leading Democrats did retreat from radical defund-the-police positions, not because they cared about ordinary people, but because they saw what a losing issue it was.

Yet there’s Hogg, who has never retracted this position, being giving this prominent position in the Democrat party. Apparently the Dems haven’t walked back the defund-the-police imperative as thoroughly as they tried to lead people to believe during the 2024 campaign. If David Hogg is one of the faces of the Democrat Party now, the party has clearly decided to embrace its lunatic fringe and go all the way down the drain with its green-haired constituency.


Hogg himself clearly realized the implications of becoming vice chair. He said: "I’ve just been elected as a Vice Chair of the DNC. I’m deeply grateful to the members for their trust and belief in me and I don’t take it lightly. Now it’s time to get to work." He also promised to help create a "Democratic Party that is authentic, relatable, earns people's trust, and wins again."

     Related: Yeah, This Is Sure to Work: New DNC Top Dog Wanted Trump Tried for Treason 

Yeah, that’s gonna happen. The American people will love the idea of being disarmed and defenseless as criminal migrants stream in by the millions. Hogg is ready to fight, and has memorized his tired leftist talking points: "It’s time we stop surrendering, go on offense, and take the fight to Donald Trump and every single Republican who is gutting our rights, attacking workers, and rigging the system for the wealthy and well-connected."

If David Hogg weren’t well-connected and endowed with the left’s coveted victim status, this empty-headed post-teen wouldn’t be vice chair of the DNC today. The more he goes on the offense with his disastrous program, the more Americans will turn away from the Democrats. “You know,” says Ruby, a character in Bob Dylan’s wonderful song “Brownsville Girl,” “some babies never learn.” Carve that on the tombstone of the Democrat Party.



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