Pollsters Warned Biden That Inflation and Immigration Could Sink His Approval

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

I’ve long maintained that the Biden administration is characterized by incompetence combined with arrogance. I’m not just talking about Biden’s diminished cognitive capacity here, either. The Biden administration is full of leftist wonks who don’t really know how to govern, but they’re so conceited that they’re not going to change their ways regardless of all the signs that say they should.


Consider the administration’s COVID-19 policy (or lack thereof). The White House relied on mandates and a broken-record refrain of “stay home,” “get the shots,” and “wear a mask,” all the while ignoring what has worked outside of their same, tired recommendations.

The arrogance in the White House is so prevalent that the administration received warnings about the political dangers of some of their policies — but Biden and his team ignored them.

The New York Times reports that “privately Mr. Biden’s lead pollster was already sounding the alarm that even with the early successes, certain gathering threats could sink support for the president and his party.”

The Times got their hands on these reports to the administration, and you won’t believe the warnings the administration received and ignored. Then again, you might believe them.

“Immigration is a growing vulnerability for the president,” pollster John Anzalone wrote in a memo to the White House, complete with surveys and other data backing up the assertion. “Voters do not feel he has a plan to address the situation on the border, and it is starting to take a toll.”


Yet the administration has allowed the border crisis to continue unabated. These people have allowed terrorists and drug mules into our country with impunity, and their only strong actions have been to condemn hardworking border patrol agents based on abject lies.

The president’s stubborn intention to revote Title 42, which will undoubtedly bring even more illegals across the border, is another sign of this administration’s blindness to troubling issues, especially since members of his own party have sided against him on this decision.

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Immigration wasn’t the only issue Anzalone warned the White House about.

“Nearly nine in 10 registered voters are also concerned about increasing inflation,” read another memo that the Times acquired. But the administration didn’t heed that warning either.

Instead, the White House has tried to dismiss inflation as transitory and shift the blame onto everything from the supply chain crisis to gas prices. Meanwhile, administration officials and their willing accomplices in the press have offered oh-so-helpful — no wait, condescending — advice on how to beat inflation or at least tough it out. The mainstream media outlets have even tried to tell us that inflation is good for us.


The Biden administration doesn’t have a plan for any of these issues plaguing our nation. At the same time, the White House thinks it has the market cornered on saving the country, so it doubles down on the misguided “solutions” it so magnanimously foists on Americans. It’s telling that Biden and his team turned their backs on their pollster’s warnings.

Thank God we voters can remedy at least part of this problem in November, and hopefully, we can fix it all in 2024.


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