Toxic Femininity? Study Shows Schools Award Girls and Women Better Grades Regardless of Merit

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File

Recent research has shone light on the current state of academia vis-à-vis “gender equality.” Unsurprisingly, it’s not looking up for the ungentler sex.


Via SciTech Daily:

According to a recent study of tens of thousands of students and their teachers, girls are often awarded more favorable grades than males with the same academic abilities.

This prejudice against boys may spell the difference between passing and failing classes like math. The Italian researchers caution that it may also have larger repercussions on matters like college admission, career choice, and income

Taken overall, the results show for the first time that higher grading of girls is systemic – rather than stemming from one particular failing, it is embedded in the whole school system. [emphasis added]

Systemic! Progressives love complaining about anything systemic and gender-related! Naturally, they should be all over this one.

Data indicates that only 40% of university students are now male. Over the course of the last five years, 70% of the decreases in university enrollment are accounted for by men. The high school dropout rate for students on the college track is 30% higher for boys as compared to girls.

Curiously, Social Justice™ activists — who, again, are otherwise obsessed with “gender disparities” — don’t seem to voice any concern on this front.

As anyone who has been victimized by the public “education” system in the West over the past twenty years, as I have, can attest, educational institutions are now openly hostile to boys and men.


Public schools are no longer primarily dedicated to learning, assuming that they ever were. They are functionally neoliberal indoctrination camps with overt social engineering objectives informed by toxic feminist ideology, which more closely resembles a state religion than an academic perspective.

When a boy acts like a boy, he gets thrown on ADHD drugs and scorned and ostracized until he drops out and eventually takes the logical leap from pharmaceutical meth to classic street methamphetamine, which is cheaper and requires no prescription. Or else he stays enrolled, the pressure cooker gets too hot, and he shoots up the school.

Girls, who by virtue of biology (sorry to say, ideologues, biology is still a thing), are naturally more predisposed to sit still, stay quiet, and passively absorb whatever “instruction” is being offered.

Western society at large, not just public schools, is increasingly crafted — usually overtly so — to accommodate and reward feminine traits and to outright demonize masculine traits. That’s how Democracy™ works. Those are Our Values™.


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