FLASHBACK: Here's What Terry McAuliffe Had to Say About the Legitimacy of Bush's Win in 2000

AP Photo/Cliff Owen

With help from conspiracy theorist Stacey Abrams, Terry McAuliffe claims his 2021 gubernatorial opponent attempted to overthrow American democracy.

The failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate and the current Virginia gubernatorial nominee accuse Glenn Youngkin of “willfully participating in the subversion of our democracy” after the Republican called for voting-machine audits.


This is rich coming from two election deniers. Some may wonder how the former Virginia governor squares these claims with his own conspiratorial record.

As party chairman at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, McAuliffe shouted to a frenzied crowd, “They STOLE the last presidential election!”

Youngkin noted on Twitter that McAuliffe “never acknowledged [that] President Bush was [the] legitimately elected president.”

McAuliffe steadfastly refuses to retract that statement. He’ll only say that Bush became president. By attempting to justify this two-decade-long stance, McAuliffe keeps digging the hole.

McAuliffe attempts to distinguish between the situation 20 years ago and the one last year by arguing that the Bush v. Gore case went to the Supreme Court, whereas Trump’s challenges did not.

To start, Democrats argued that the 2000 case never should have gone to the Supreme Court in the first place.

And yes, nearly every legal case former President Donald Trump brought failed; so did Al Gore’s. He lost the actual Florida vote, the various recounts, at the appeals courts, and in the Supreme Court. The future Mister Climate Change even lost when friendly newspapers counted under his guidelines.


Gore dragged out the legal process as far as possible, losing at every turn, leaving goons like McAuliffe to attack the legitimacy of Bush’s presidency for years.

McAuliffe’s other argument is that he was party chairman at the time. Does that mean a party head’s job is to say all sorts of balderdash he or she doesn’t believe?

If his radical endorsements or bizarre recent attacks on parents aren’t enough, this should remind voters that Terry McAuliffe is a rabid political zealot. Had he been the Republican Party chair between November 2020 and January 2021, he most assuredly would be claiming that last year’s presidential election was stolen.


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