Kino Jimenez was arrested last night on charges of “theft of person,” according to San Antonio Police Department reports.
His mugshot is decidedly different than his appearance on the now-famous video, in which he was filmed ripping a MAGA hat off a teenager and throwing a drink in the minor’s face.
Jimenez drastically changed his appearance by removing his beard and glasses before his arrest.
I really hope Kino Jimenez is enjoying his sudden fame.#KinoJimenez
— Bogie Bird (@BlutoBird) July 5, 2018
Officers reported no difficulties taking him into custody. Jimenez was seen by a magistrate and booked into the Bexar County Jail, where his bail was set at $5000. He was bonded out and released on Friday. A representative from the San Antonio Police Department told PJM, “The charge of theft of person carries a sentence of up to two years in prison.”
“Theft of person” is a confusing term, but carries a greater charge than regular theft according to my reading of the statute. It appears that, according to Texas state code, it involves the theft of something off a person directly. Texas’ Penal Code states,
4) a state jail felony if:
(B) regardless of value, the property is stolen from the person of another or from a human corpse or grave, including property that is a military grave marker;
Usually, theft is considered a misdemeanor, but it appears to rise to a felony in Texas if you steal something that is on another person. Jimenez is facing up to two years in prison if convicted for his ill-considered outburst. In addition to his arrest, Heavy is reporting that he has also been kicked out of the Green Party after his stunt came to light.
Jimenez confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard in a San Antonio Whataburger in the style of other #Resistance members who think assaulting people while they eat is a good idea. Lauren Southern famously had a drink thrown on her while out to brunch with her mother; Milo Yiannopoulos was chased out of a bar by a mob of people screaming “Nazi scum!” at him; a black Trump supporter was chased out of a Cheesecake Factory and denied service; and most recently, EPA secretary Scott Pruitt, claiming his family can’t take more harassment, resigned after being accosted in a restaurant by an activist who has been seen gloating on Twitter about her next moves.
Woman who confronted Pruitt and told him to resign asks Trump where he is going to lunch tomorrow
— The Hill (@thehill) July 6, 2018
The Jimenez case is the first time I can recall that one of these people has been charged with a crime and is facing serious consequences.
Richard told a local San Antonio news station, “I support my president and if you don’t, let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off. I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me.”
There are still a troubling number of verified Twitter celebrities (including CNN contributors) who think attacking a minor for political reasons is okay. Twitter is full of their excuses.
Temple University Professor and Fake News CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill cracking up laughing at children being physically assaulted by #KinoJimenez
Contact Temple University immediately! Children there may not be safe!
— Mr. William G. Gelato (@GuruIndi) July 5, 2018
A local news station falsely reported that the teens were saying racially insensitive things to set off the attack. The station later recanted for printing unverifiable rumors.
Nobody posting that story is acknowledging this update. Even if it were true it still does not excuse his actions. He's an adult, they were teens.
— Guinnie (@FranciscoJAgudo) July 6, 2018
“An earlier version of this story included quotes from the alleged witness. Those quotes have been removed from this copy due to concerns about the legitimacy of the statements,” the correction stated.
Fake news strikes again. What is verifiable and true is that Jimenez is in a lot of trouble for appropriating someone else’s MAGA hat and accosting the victim while eating. Think twice, Resistance members, before you go down this road, especially in Texas.
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