Report Proves Biden’s Decline Is a National Security Risk

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Intelligence operatives from China, Russia, and Iran are allegedly targeting confidential information about President Biden’s health, and they have likely reported his apparent cognitive decline to their governments, according to a report from the Washington Times. 


John Schindler, a former National Security Agency counterintelligence officer, revealed in an online post that the White House’s prolonged silence on Biden’s physical and mental condition has not deceived hostile spies in Washington or U.S. allies. Schindler, who served nearly a decade with the NSA as an intelligence analyst and counterintelligence officer, emphasized the seriousness of this espionage effort.

Mr. Schindler said the Biden White House could be penetrated with foreign agents, as he said occurred as far back as during the Nixon administration.

Moscow’s KGB spy service ran “multiple agents” in the White House who supplied secrets on the Nixon campaign operation to break into the Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate in 1974 – before the story broke in the Washington Post, Mr. Schindler said.

“Certainly, any counterintelligence veteran has obvious questions about Hunter Biden’s handsomely rewarded relations with Chinese intelligence just a few years ago,” he said.

Hunter Biden and James Biden, the president’s brother, received several million dollars from Chinese Communist Party-linked companies in China, according to congressional investigators.

In addition to agents, foreign intelligence services can learn information from electronic intelligence gathering, including intercepting phone calls, text messages, emails and online chat group content, Mr. Schindler said.

Any chats by White House officials and close U.S. allies about Mr. Biden’s condition in vulnerable communications over the past four years were  “about 100%” were intercepted by foreign spies, he said.


 “Which means that our enemies, especially Russia, China and Iran, have been aware of Joe Biden’s age-related decline long before the American public was informed,” Mr. Schindler wrote.

                Related: Joe Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference Is a Disaster for the Democrats

This means that Biden’s decline, and the attempt to keep it concealed, is a national security risk, as the details could be used to blackmail the Biden White House. For all we know, perhaps they were. Of course, there are other national security implications as well.

“The Democrat-aligned media kept up the charade [Mr. Biden was well] for a long time, as the Biden White House wished,” Mr. Schindler said. “We should assume that Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran weren’t so easily fooled.”

The decline, he said, raises troubling questions about Mr. Biden’s foreign policies, including the troubled American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, the failure to head off the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and stepped-up Chinese aggression in Asia.

“After the Kabul debacle, Russia, China, and Iran all became more aggressive in their efforts to subvert American hegemony,” Mr. Schindler said, noting the Ukraine wars and the attack on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas.

Chinese President Xi Jinping could be calculating that an impaired U.S. president will not respond forcefully to a crisis in the Taiwan Strait, he speculated.

The spies from Beijing, Moscow and Tehran, again, “surely know more about what’s happening with Joe Biden, about his real condition, than the American people do,” Mr. Schindler said.


 Of course, there was never any reason to believe our enemies weren’t aware of Biden’s decline, but the situation was (and still is) more serious than we knew.


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