The Best-Kept Sexual Secret on a Hook-Up Campus

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Equality for women, or so the story goes, was achieved with the sexual revolution. When the pill hit in the sixties, it leveled the playing field by giving women a victory over their reproductive systems. At least, so they thought. Now, women could behave as promiscuously as men without being “punished with a baby.”


If in fact this were true, young women today should be living in feminism’s promised land. We have arrived in a world where hook-ups are the norm, at least on most college campuses. However, life is not better for women. In fact, a new study shows it is much worse.

Romantic relationships are becoming more difficult for women to navigate and young couples are putting off marrying until much later.

In spite of the epidemic of young men failing by “all social indicators,” as the video above put it, to adjust to adulthood, males are now in the driver’s seat of the premarital relationship. Before the sexual revolution, however, women determined the course of the relationship. The average woman sought a relationship with the ultimate goal of securing a lifetime mate, not a one-night workout. Her sexual response tended to go hand-in-hand with the depth of the commitment of the relationship. In the hook-up culture that is no longer the case.

The Austin Institute has put out a video explaining the courtship and mating habits of young people in the economic terms of supply and demand. The AI theory is that it is a matter of basic economics.

There are far too many women flooding the dating market with easy sex, thus driving the value down. A sexual encounter no longer costs a man much more than a few drinks or a couple nights out. In order to recover the market, women need to collectively agree to hold out for more.


Interesting, but oversimplified. This still assumes that women are in fact the same as men sexually — a mutual trade for equal goods. In spite of the popular cultural narrative, this is simply not true and the results have been destructive to women for generations. This theory must ignore science and keep hidden one fact about a woman’s body no one wants to talk about — even in college.


When you have educated women begging Congress for birth control, and prostituting themselves for tuition, it’s time for parents to have a frank and honest talk about the birds and the bees. But first let’s examine the environmental impact of the mating habits of college students.

In economic terms, according to AI, on the surface both males and females are giving and receiving the same thing– physical access to one another. If in fact men and women are the same, a hook-up is nothing more than an exchange of commodities. So where’s the problem?

We can use the emergence of pesticides as an example. At first, pesticides gave us an abundance of food. As time wore on, we found that there is a price to pay. We are just now realizing that along with the “pests,” we are killing the bees. Of course this is just one repercussion. No one thought about a world without bees when we were dreaming of a land without hunger. Obviously all life would be drastically altered without bees to pollinate.


The same could be said for the birth control pill. At first, eliminating unwanted consequences of nature seems like an open door to utopia.

The study concludes that the pill drove down the price of intimacy. To fix the economy of sex, women need to collectively put a higher price on sex through things such as commitment and marriage.

Although the study affirms that men and women do have different expectations from a sexual relationship, it doesn’t address why. As with the disappearing bees, we are courting disaster if we continue to ignore the reality of the laws of nature.


What professors refuse to tell your daughter is that she is designed to bond and to procreate — beliefs or behavior will not change her biological makeup. From Unprotected, by Miriam Grossman:

Neuroscientists have discovered that specific brain cells and chemicals are involved in attachment. The chemical [women] need to know about is called oxytocin. It’s a hormone, a messenger from one organ to another, with specific tasks…it’s sent from the brain to the uterus and breasts, to induce labor and let down milk.

The author of Unprotected, a college psychologist, also notes that oxytocin is also released during sex. That powerful hormone, which compels a woman to devote every waking hour to the needs of a newborn, is unleashed within her while hooking up with a casual acquaintance — a prospective recipient with the least interest in her devotion, and no intentions of bonding.


Ignoring this aspect of a woman’s makeup is devastating to her physically and psychologically. Pretending that sex between a man and a woman is isolated from the creation of a family and the stability of the culture is as foolish and destructive as eradicating bees from the environment. Both tear holes in the fabric of nature that cannot be repaired by anything manufactured by man.



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