A man who believes he is a woman was charged with raping a woman (guess “she’s” a lesbian) and was housed in a female prison. In a case of “well, duh,” this rapist did what rapists do — he sexually assaulted four female inmates.
The story reveals such mind-boggling stupidity as to read as satire. Except, of course, it’s 2018 and leftist idiocy is running amok through Western society. For evidence, allow The Telegraph to fill in the absurd yet shameful details:
Convicted paedophile Karen White, who was born Stephen Wood, was undergoing gender reassignment, but had not undergone full surgery, when she was accused of repeatedly raping a woman in 2016.
The 52-year-old, who had been previously been jailed in 2001 for a sex attack on a child, told the authorities she identified as a woman and was remanded into HMP New Hall near Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
Take note of how The Telegraph uses the deluded man’s preferred pronoun, adding to the environment that fosters the idea that it’s okay to house male rapists in a female prison. They refuse to see through the stupidity and stake out a position of sanity. Never mind that, according to their own reporting:
Within days of arriving at the women-only prison in September last year, White made a sexual advance to another inmate, while in an aroused state.
A fortnight later, White approached another female inmate and struck up a conversation in which she made comments about oral sex.
She then took hold of the woman’s hand and forced it onto her left breast in order to feel her padded bra.
Just days later she was accused of pushing her hips and penis against another prisoner and in November last year she allegedly kissed a female inmate on the neck.
Appearing at Leeds Crown Court last month, White pleaded guilty to two counts of rape in relation to the 2016 attack and also admitted indecently assaulting two New Hall prisoners.
She denied two of the prison assaults and the cases were ordered to lay on file.
After the female inmates reported the man, he was transferred to an all-male prison, where he should’ve been in the first place. The four assaults on female inmates did not have to happen. If society hadn’t lost its mind pretending that men can be women and women can be men, these four assaults wouldn’t have happened. On at least some level, transgender activists are morally culpable for these assaults.
You would think that at some point common sense would kick in and leftists would reverse course. We all know that’s not going to happen, though. No doubt leftists will find a way to blame this on conservatives.
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