LIVEBLOGGING TONIGHT’S DEBATE: Ann Althouse, Stephen Green (drunkblogging), Brendan Loy, and, of course, the gang at The Corner. Also, Jules Crittenden, Jason Pye, and TPM Election Central. Plus, Exurban League. And, a bunch of milbloggers, and Jacob Lybbert.

UPDATE: Also the folks at Contentions. And Jeralyn Merritt at TalkLeft.

So is Bob Krumm. And, in Nashville, A.C. Kleinheider. And Dr. Melissa Clouthier.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Stephen Green: “‘A middle class tax cut to 95% of working Americans.’ Just how big does Obama think the middle class IS?”

Plus, the McCain people email: “Barack Obama just blamed the very same bill that Joe Biden supported for the current economic crisis.”

Hey, Obama people, where are my rapid-response emails from you?