SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76: Joe Biden falsely claims he never said South Carolina was his firewall.

Related: Biden ad hits Bernie for having almost primaried Obama as new South Carolina poll shows him surging.

If Bernie wins South Carolina, Joe’s done. If Bernie loses South Carolina narrowly, I don’t think it does much of anything to change his momentum. But if Biden wins by the sort of impressively large margin that Sanders just pulled in Nevada, the shock and massive media hype about a Biden comeback might be meaningful in the Super Tuesday states. Hype is key here — because Biden doesn’t have the dough to advertise in those states, he needs to compensate with lots of flattering media coverage. And the only way he gets that is either with a surprisingly large margin on Saturday or a bravura debate performance tomorrow night. And that second one ain’t happening, needless to say. This is Joe Biden we’re talking about.

Heh, indeed.™