FOR PJMEDIA/TOWNHALL VIP MEMBERS: The Truth About Trump’s Middle East Peace: It’s the Foundation of an Anti-Iran Coalition. “Trump’s ‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan only looks like the latest, doomed-to-fail attempt to end the struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians. What it really does is lay the foundation of an enlarged (and more cooperative) anti-Iran coalition. That’s why this time, finally, the Arab states are signing on to a peace proposal.”

It’s a brilliant plan, and I have all the details and analysis at the VIP link.

Membership is cheap, and it’s cheaper still with that lovely VODKAPUNDIT promo code.

OR YOU COULD JUST TAKE A BREAK FROM THE HEAVY NEWS: Florida Man Friday: One of Our States Is Missing. “The day may come when Florida Man fails to amuse, but it is not this day.”