MEANWHILE, OVER AT VODKAPUNDIT: POTUS Health Scare? Walter Reed Visit ‘Not Protocol’ for Routine Appointment. “CNN has already gotten two stories, a column, and a wet Stelter out of a single slow news day report on the president’s doctor’s visit, but it’s safe to assume that they’re just getting started.”

That’s my free daily column for the PJ mothership. But VIP members also get this one: Buttigieg Campaign Rocked by Embarrassing Lie About Black Endorsements.

And here’s another VIP column — New Hurricane Study Uses Inflated Numbers, Sloppy Science to Advance Climate Agenda — which is from Friday, but which I also forgot* to link to.

If you’re interested in the additional VIP content, the promo code VODKAPUNDIT is still good for a nice little discount.

In this case “forgot” actually means: “Was too busy chatting and drinking with Glenn and Helen to get around to it.”