J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS ON Defending Virginia Governor Ralph ‘KKK’ Northam.

We still don’t know: did Virginia Governor Ralph Northam dress up in Klan garb, or is he the fellow in blackface? One thing we do know is that if photos of any Republican surfaced wearing either, they would have already resigned five or six times.

Ask former Mississippi Senator Trent Lott. . . .

Ralph Northam declared war on white supremacists in 2018. In 1984, he may have been dressing like one. . . .

In his extraordinary statements on pre- and post-birth abortion, Northam has secured his defense. Who needs mercy and charity when he’s already all-in on the NARAL agenda? Political ideology masquerading as forgiveness will carry Northam through with Virginia Democrats.

Three cheers for reproductive justice. It’s such an intoxicating theology for Democrats that it may even absolve blackface and KKK garb.

Both United States senators from Virginia have announced their support for Northam. Just a few days ago, old photos of Florida Secretary of State Mike Ertel in blackface emerged and Ertel was gone before the cock crowed.

I think he’s toast. But I’m kind of hoping he sticks around, just to see what Trump will say about him in the State of the Union.


Related: Social Media As Social Disease.