Even as a sixties Vietnam War demonstrator, it struck me that the enmity against police was weirdly misplaced.  When I heard the cries off “Off the pigs!” I felt more than mildly uncomfortable.

After all, weren’t the police mere factotums?  They had no power at all over the real policies under protest.  More than that, they were genuine working people, members of the vaunted working class.  What did they do?

Now, “politically mature,” as they say, I feel that even more.  The focus on police as the problem is just crazy.  Of course, there are bad cops – just as there are bad everything else, as there always will be until we are replaced by robots, when there will be other problems – but the cops are not the issue of what is wrong in American society, not remotely. Whatever their failings – and they should be dealt with – they are miles away from the heart of the problem.

As the late Andrew Breitbart would say, politics is downstream from culture, which is true for police policies as well. Read the whole thing.