ATF GUNRUNNING UPDATE: Gunwalker Explodes: FBI Hid Weapon, Tax Dollars Subsidized Murder. “The depth of the scandal dramatically widened yesterday. . . . Every American, regardless of political ideology, should be livid that the FBI gave at least $70,000 of “seed money” to murderous felons so that they could buy firearms. The FBI knew these weapons were destined for narco-terrorists, and that they would be used to target not just other murderous cartels but to terrorize innocents. . . . The fact that every U.S. agent gunned down in the line of duty was fired upon with weapons recovered from apparent gunwalking operations in the Dallas and/or Houston Field Operations areas — not to mention the revelation of an domestic gunwalking operation in Indiana dubbed ‘Gangwalker,’ and now ‘Grenadewalker’ — suggests a widespread program to arm violent felons.”

Well, I can see some budgets that need cutting, I guess.