Conyers: Hillary Should Have Press Conferences ‘All The Time’

Hillary Clinton addresses the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Indianapolis on June 26, 2016. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

PHILADELPHIA – Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) told PJM that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton should have press conferences “all the time.”

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump challenged Clinton to hold a press conference since her last one occurred 236 days ago.


“I think it’s time,” Trump told reporters during an hourlong press conference on Wednesday.

At the Democratic National Convention, Conyers was asked if he agreed with Trump’s criticism.

“I’m for press conferences for Mrs. Clinton all the time, yes, you bet,” he responded.

Some commentators have said Trump took a lot of attention away from the Democratic convention with his long press conference, particularly due to his comments on inviting Russia to release Clinton’s missing emails.

“Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to listen to it yet, but my theory is that the more Donald Trump talks the worse it gets for him,” Conyers said.

Conyers, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, was asked what President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have to do to make the case for a Clinton presidency. Conyers told PJM that President Obama should focus on “full employment” during his remaining time in office.

“I’d like to have both of them talk about jobs, justice and peace, and that stems from my feelings about what Dr. Martin Luther King did to revive the civil rights movement in America. And I believe that would add to the Obama legacy these last few months in office. It inspires Hillary to do as much as she can in this area,” he said.


“As the wealthiest country in history, there’s no reason we can’t have full employment. If we have full employment we don’t only help our communities but we help the national economy as well, and so this is the first thing: jobs. Barack Obama has done a good job. His legacy right now is healthcare. He’s done a good job on that but I want his last few months going out to the door, turning it over to Hillary Clinton, we want him to be working on jobs, full employment,” Conyers added.


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