Hi everybody.

I hope you’re all having a warm and safe holiday. I’ve been sitting here by the virtual fire, thinking about how lucky I am and how grateful, too… and I got to thinking about the amazing toys I grew up with as a kid in the late Sixties. Really imaginative and cool stuff — and dangerous, too! You could shoot your eye out with BB guns or burn off your precious little fingers with Creepy Crawlers. It was full-on AWESOME.


Anyway, the gang in the tech booth at PJTV went to the trouble to make a great Christmas set, and if you want to see some videos from The Golden Age of Toys, all you have to do is click HERE. (Just select a speed on the left and the viewer will auto-install for high-def playback with a broadband connection. If you don’t want to view in high-def, just click on the FLASH PLAYER.)

The folks at my new PJTV family put it up for free — without registration or subscription. We hope you have as much fun watching it as we did making it.


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