Say, When did Bill Parcells Start Covering Politics?

Back in 1996, Parcells famously called Terry Glenn, his then-rookie wide receiver at the New England Patriots “she” during a press conference. It was a one-off crack from Parcells that would be repeated ad nauseam by journalists over the years, which makes this Freudian slip at The Hill all the more amusing. (Link goes to Dan Riehl, who has a screen cap of the typo):


Jindal repeated that he isn’t interested in running for president in 2012, but said Obama could win re-election if she shows a willingness to drop issues like cap-and-trade and card check in favor of reducing the deficit, cutting taxes and taking actions to boost the private sector economy.

Whoops — no wonder CNN is calling their man in the White House “a little punchy” these days.


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