Lanny's Non-Denial Denial

On her radio talk show, Linda Chavez asks Lanny Davis if he leaked the Sandy Berger story.

Lanny responds with some of the best tap dancing since Fred Astaire hung up his Capezios. (Does Capezio make tap shoes?–Ed Beats me, I just thought it was a cool reference.)


James Taranto writes, “Davis’s evasion doesn’t necessarily mean he was the leaker, but it’s certainly curious.”

As to what may have been in Sandy’s pants, check out this New York Sun article.

Is the Sandy story scaring the Democrats? For what it’s worth, on Hugh Hewitt’s radio talk show, Will Collier writes that “The New Republic’s Peter Beinart came completely unhinged when Hewitt pressed him on the Sandy Berger theft of classified national security documents”, and has a transcript and sputter-by-sputter replay by the great James Lileks.


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