If Indiana Is to Blame for Chicago's 'Gun Violence,' Why Isn't Indianapolis a War Zone too?

AP Photo/Teresa Crawford

The left has a clever way of using gun statistics to its advantage.

As we’ve seen, shootings in major cities have exploded since their Democrat mayors and district attorneys (DAs) decided to let criminals out of jail and keep them out with no-bail laws. Democrats could stop the carnage, which mostly affects black communities, but every shooting is another stat that leads them to their ultimate nirvana: taking away your guns.


Here’s how it works:

  • Democrats let criminals out of jail and keep them on the streets, knowing they will commit more crimes, many with guns
  • Slaughter ensues
  • Democrats use the gun death statistics to call for more and more gun laws

Chicago is the poster boy for the gun-grabbers. Almost 19% of the guns recovered at Chicago crime scenes come from Indiana, which is only a few miles away.

So the problem must be Indiana, right? Former President Barack Obama thought so. He spoke about it back in 2015.

There are those who criticize any gun safety reforms by pointing to my hometown as an example. The problem with that argument, as the Chicago Police Department will tell you, is that 60% of guns recovered in crimes come from out of state. You’ve just got to hop across the border.

It’s safe to assume “hop across the border” refers to Indiana, as it’s only a few miles from Chicago. If Indiana is to blame for Chicago’s violence, then Indianapolis should look like Berlin in 1945, right?

FACT-O-RAMA! As of this writing, 1,830 people have been shot in Chicago in 2022.

Back in 2020 when the nation was on fire (thanks, Antifa!), Chicago had a higher murder rate and a bigger year-to-date increase than Indianapolis, despite the difference in states’ gun laws. Indianapolis beat Chicago in crime in 2021 but now it’s business as usual again.

TRUTH BOMB-O-RAMA! In a listing of states with the strictest gun laws, Illinois ranked #8 and Indiana ranked #28. Yet even with that strict gun control, Chicago is consistently more dangerous than Indianapolis.


Using lefty logic and judging by states’ gun laws, Indianapolis should dwarf the Windy City when it comes to crime. It shouldn’t even be close. Indy should look like the type of place where Snake Plissken hangs out and Chicago should resemble Disneyland, but that isn’t reality. Indianapolis is no walk in the park (especially at night), but Chicago — even with its harsh gun laws — is consistently more dangerous.

Related: Indianapolis Mall Hero Returned Fire Just 15 Seconds After Killer Began Shooting

In Indiana, a good guy with a gun recently ventilated a mass shooter at a shopping mall, just 16 days after the state adopted a “constitutional carry” law, meaning residents can carry a concealed pistol without a license. Illinois doesn’t allow concealed carry. That means a mass shooter has a better chance of killing people in a state with stricter gun laws.

Remember, an armed society is a polite society. Illinois should take the hint from Indiana: Loosen the harsh gun laws and lower the crime rate.


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