Who's the Threat to 'Democracy'?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It’s almost become a cliché today when someone on the left calls Donald Trump a “threat to our democracy.” Never mind that we’re a republic; the breathless left wants you to believe that Trump will usher in some sort of dictatorship.


Over the past nearly four years (and the eight Obama years), we’ve seen what the left wants to do with power. Democrats have weaponized the federal government against conservatives and anyone else who threatens Democrat power, and Obama and Joe Biden have used their presidential bully pulpit to tell the world that we're terrible people for opposing them.

Millions of Democrats voted for Biden for reelection in the 2024 primaries, yet the party subverted democracy by pushing him out and installing Kamala Harris — who not only didn’t win any delegates this year but didn’t win any when she ran in 2020 — as the nominee. And Harris is giving us a clear idea of what she wants to do with “our democracy.”

In a recent interview, Harris said that she wants to explore the idea of getting rid of the filibuster to pass radical abortion legislation in the Senate:


Of course, we know that the Democrats don’t want to just “codify the protections of Roe v. Wade.” Their aim is to make unfettered baby killing legal across the nation.

Related: Kamala Reportedly Wants Advice From the UK's Far-Left Ruling Party

This isn’t the first time she’s made this kind of statement. She said something similar on X using the vice presidential account in 2022, shortly after the Dobbs decision struck down Roe:

And lest you think Harris would only abuse the filibuster just to kill babies, you’ve got another think coming. During her blink-and-you-missed-it 2020 presidential campaign, she suggested dumping the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal:

Reminder: anytime politicians want to do some sort of “New Deal,” it’s a bad deal for everybody else.


Filibuster, schmilibuster. Who cares about the Constitution? What's the point of separation of powers? If those pesky little things stand in the way of Democrat power, just get rid of them. That’s what Kamala wants to do.

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