Hillary Refuses to Make a Hard Choice on the Keystone Pipeline

Politico puts as nice a spin on Hillary Clinton’s lack of decisiveness as possible.

Hillary Clinton is still seeking to stay above the fray of the Keystone XL Pipeline debate.

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, a Canadian publication, the former secretary of state and possible 2016 Democratic frontrunner declined to give her personal opinion about whether America should proceed with the pipeline.

“I can’t respond,” she said.



Clinton elaborated on her inability to decide.

“I can’t really comment at great length because I had responsibility for it and it’s been passed on and it wouldn’t be appropriate, but I hope that Canadians appreciate that the United States government – the Obama administration – is trying to get it right,” she continued. “And getting it right doesn’t mean you will agree or disagree with the decision, but that it will be one based on the best available evidence and all of the complex local, state, federal, interlocking laws and concerns.”

Whole. Lotta. Nothing.

It’s just this sort of dishonest vagueness that America does not need, but will probably elect.


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