America's Cuba Policy Now a Battle of Pitbull vs Jay-Z

Jay-Z and wife Beyonce visited Cuba earlier in April, despite the fact that ordinary tourist travel to the communist island remains illegal. Not to worry, though — the pair got the US Treasury Department’s authorization for the trip, under the rubric of “educational exchange.”


No press reported the pair engaging in any seminars, teaching any school classes or doing anything that appeared to be educational in any way. They celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in a nation that is stuck in a time warp and jails and tortures dissidents.

Rapper Pitbull fired at Jay-Z and Beyonce Sunday, tweeting that he was “born politically incorrect.”


The link goes to a new Pitbull track that schools listeners on Cuba’s history and politics. It discusses the Cuban Missile Crisis, Elian Gonzalez (which upset many in the Cuban-American community during the Clinton years), the Bay of Pigs and gets patriotic when Pitbull says “Let’s break down ‘us.’ That’s right, that’s U-S, God bless.”

Pitbull also raps for Cuba libre:

It’s the freedom that we ride for/ It’s the freedom that we die for/ C-U-B-A/ Hope to see you free one day


The rap’s freedom refrain may get overshadowed by its silly play of the race card.

“Question of the night, would they have messed with Mr. Carter if he was white?” Pitbull rapped, using Jay-Z’s real last name in a reference to critics of the trip.

Answer of the day: Of course. Many of Jay-Z’s critics also criticize Michael Moore, Oliver Stone and Sean Penn for praising the Castros and Hugo Chavez’s of the world. Race has nothing to do with criticizing trips to Cuba. It’s not the race, it’s the kowtowing to communism that upsets people.

Overall, Pitbull’s rap may be a sign that he’s coming back to the Republican fold after voting for Obama.


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