What Happened to All the Nice Guys?

A number of readers (thanks!) have emailed me with a href=”http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/483318927.html”this link to a post /aon the best of Craigslist from a recovering nice guy asking and answering the following question:br /br /”What happened to all the nice guys? The answer is simple: you did.”br /br /a href=”http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/483318927.html”Read the whole thing./abr /br /Update: HotAir readersa href=”http://hotair.com/headlines/?p=4927″ blowback about /abeing a nice guy.br /br /Update II: For those of you at work who are not able to get the linked post–I placed the whole thing it in the comment section below, at around comment 55.



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