
You Might Hate the Corporate State Media, as They Say, But Not Nearly Enough

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

After what totalitarian gibberish just slipped through the lips of the Brandon construct’s plastic-surgeried face, were I a member of the White House Press Corps, it would be total war from now until the abomination is removed from office.

But, then, that’s why I’m not on the handpicked roster of the compliant Press Corps, organ of state that it is.

PJ Media’s own Chris Queen covered the Brandon construct’s bizarre answer to a question from a reporter at the G7 Summit about the ongoing Middle East crisis that could very well trigger a third world war if not dealt with.

Via The Deadline (emphasis added):

The White House Correspondents’ Association is objecting to the notion that reporters agreed to any restrictions on the types of questions they could ask of President Joe Biden at a press conference earlier today at the G7 summit in Italy.

Appearing at the press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Biden took a question from Bloomberg’s Josh Wingrove.

Wingrove asked the president if he would give his assessment of Hamas’ response to the latest ceasefire proposal. “Do you believe that they are trying to work towards a deal or is this response against a deal?” Wingrove asked.

Biden responded, “I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. I’m here to talk about a critical situation in Ukraine and you asked me about another subject.”

The entire point, the entire value, of political media is as an oppositional check on state power. That’s it. Anything beyond this vital function is just academic circle-jerking.

The White House Correspondents’ Association president took a different approach than I would have, issuing a totally milquetoast and feckless “strongly worded letter” regarding the alleged free press and its alleged independence — words she should have been ashamed to put to paper as a so-called journalist.


NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell, the president of the White House Correspondents’ Association, later issued a statement pushing back on the notion that reporters had agreed to a set of “rules” on what could be asked.

The White House Correspondents’ Association believes it is in the public interest to make clear that at a presidential press conference, at home or abroad, there are no preconditions regarding question topics.   

“While the White House does determine the number of reporters the president will recognize, it is up to professional journalists to decide what to ask. Any leader may prefer that reporters ask only one question or ask only about a topic that is of most interest to the president or another world leader, but a free press functions independently.”

There is no independent press at that level and there hasn’t been for decades. She knows this better than anyone, but she’s part of the theater production that is modern Democracy™, so this is the kind of leadership we get on behalf of the free press.

Franky, I wish even independent conservative media were more willing to go to war with politicians ostensibly on “our side” instead of the tepid eggshell-walking we too often get from sycophants who don’t want to lose access or upset their audience by telling hard truths.

The only way that politicians of any ideology or party affiliation can be made to act right is through pressure and shaming and electoral threats. Left alone, the political class will inevitably devolve into kleptocracy. This is an iron law of the game that has been true since the dawn of time and will continue to be true as long as man erects governing structures populated by man.


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