
Biden Propagandist Hangs Reelection Strategy on COVID Like It’s 2020

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Inflation is out of control. (When Karine Jean-Pierre reads — with great difficulty — her handlers’ talking points that inflation is “down,” she means that the rate of increase in inflation is down. Meanwhile, inflation continues unabated and prices soar. It’s semantical trickery.)

Crime continues to hover around record levels. (These people play similar games — which no one, per polling, is buying — with manipulated crime statistics.)

The border is a gangrenous wound bleeding illegal migrants by the millions.

There are about three hot wars looming that no one wants and no one will benefit from aside from a tiny cabal of war profiteers in D.C. — the same one funding Nikki Haley’s corrupt lifestyle, incidentally.

The “X is the worst president in history” line is overused. But in Biden’s case, it would be hard to argue otherwise.

Against all of that background, Biden propagandists are now returning to the COVID well as if it’s 2020 all over again. They can’t even be bothered, it seems, to roll out a new bioterror threat, instead resurrecting the tired old COVID-19 narrative in a last-ditch effort to squeeze whatever juice they can out of that decrepit fruit.

This is really sad to watch — the echo chamber that is Beltway media, the copium, the lack of imagination.

A hack called Simon Rosenberg explains the deft strategery:

The central promise of Biden in 2020 was that he was going to get us through COVID and get us to the other side successfully. That’s really what the election was litigated on when you look back at polling and look at the election in 2020. And I think on that central promise Joe Biden has been successful. He did what he said he was gonna do. Our economic recovery here in the United States is stronger than any other G7 country in the world. 

What the hack doesn’t tell the viewer is that a “recovery” would never have been necessary if the corporate state, as represented most fulsomely by the Democrat Party, had not locked down the entire global economy and held it for ransom until everyone took the jabs with no Public Health™ benefit whatsoever, a crime of epic proportions that has gone unpunished and that the GOP leadership (also bought by the pharmaceutical industry) has thus far indicated no real interest in pursuing justice for.

The corporate state media, in tandem with the Democrat narrative machine, has been promoting a new strain of COVID and its alleged risks for inducing a “heart failure pandemic.”

Via MSN:

Covid-19 could trigger a 'heart failure pandemic', experts have warned, calling it a 'global healthcare risk'. The rise in Covid cases, especially due to the new strain known as JN.1, could lead to potential heart issues.

Scientists from Japan's top research institute, Riken, have issued a new report. They say the ACE2 receptors, which the coronavirus clings to within human cells, are 'very common' in the heart. This means many people who catch the virus may suffer from 'reduced cardiac function'.

The reason for this is still not clear. However, the report suggests the Covid pandemic might have changed things significantly. It warns those at risk of future heart failure due to 'persistent infection of SARS-CoV-2 (Covis-19) is expected to exponentially increase'.


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