The Law of Totally Intended Consequences

The ObamaCare hits just keep coming:

While subsidies in the law will shield some people, other consumers who make too much for assistance are in for “premium rate shock,” Mark Bertolini, who runs the third-biggest U.S. health-insurance company, told analysts yesterday at a conference in New York.


Remember, Obama is just spreadin’ the wealth around a little bit because it’s a good thing.

After you wipe away your tears, remember that this particular wealth transfer is on top of the increased payroll taxes and the increases on capital gains that “the rich” will begin paying on January 1.

Let me quote you one more line from the report:

The prospect has spurred discussion of having Congress delay or phase in parts of the law, he said.

It feels just a wee tiny bit like maybe this is a conversation lawmakers should have been having back in 2009, you think?


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