The Truth Hurts

For once, Joe Biden didn’t commit a gaffe:

Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged on Tuesday that some waste is inevitable in the spending of a $787 billion economic stimulus package, in a characteristically blunt assessment.

“We know some of this money is going to be wasted,” Biden said during a roundtable discussion in New York with business leaders aimed at promoting the two-year stimulus plan.


Unless, of course, you use Michael Kinsley’s definition that in Washington, a gaffe is when a politician tells the truth. In that case, Biden is in Gaffe City.

But of course, the stimulus in its entirety is a waste. Most of the spending won’t take place until 2010 or later, the glut of debt is jacking up interest rates and hurting the economy, and nobody ever borrowed their way into prosperity.

Now those are some truths I’d like to see Biden tell in his next speech.


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