Professor Fired for Racist Tirade Claims She Was 'Lynched' by Administration


Currently unemployed professor Lisa Durden didn’t think anything would happen to her. She believed she could broadcast her unhinged racism to the country, and the college that signs her paycheck would just shrug it off. After all, how many other professors have been fired for racist comments against white people in recent years? If you’re thinking “none,” then you’re probably right.


However, Durden was oh-so-very-wrong this time.

Proving that she’s yet to learn anything from this, she then evoked the most absurdly racist imagery she could think of to garner sympathy:

Durden was initially suspended by the community college after the Carlson fracas, which she claims was done with no reason.

“They did this to humiliate me,” Durden said about the suspension. “Essex County College publicly lynched me in front of my students.”


I live in the South. I was born and raised here. Lynching is something that everyone who lives here learns about. Lynching is a lethal, racist act designed to terrorize a minority for challenging an immoral second-class status placed upon them.

What happened to Durden doesn’t even remotely come close to lynching, and anyone with half a brain and a desire to not engage in partisan hackery can see that. She’s alive, first of all. Free to get another job, to continue to speak her mind. She can venture throughout town to engage with friends and family in a public way and have a reasonable expectation of safety.

The many people lynched here in the South wish they had been “lynched” in a like manner. Instead, they were murdered.

Durden wasn’t done, though:

She then went off on a rant about racism, and compared her rant to something Judge Jeanine Pirro would say on television.

“I wasn’t there to play games, I was there to take a bite out of crime,” Durden said. “When a black woman is on television who is direct, who is aggressive, we’re ‘angry.’ Well, when Jeanine Pirro is on TV pointing and screaming and yelling, she’s ‘intelligent.’”

She added, “Why can’t I come on there and be aggressive and talk in the same vein as any expert in the fields of pop culture, politics and social issues? So now when I do it, I’m not intelligent. When [white women] do it, they’re amazing, they’re intelligent, they’re fantastic!”


Actually, Pirro is considered angry when she’s screaming and yelling, too. Raising your voice doesn’t convey intelligence. It doesn’t convey a lack of intelligence. It’s anger.

Pirro wouldn’t get a pass on racist comments like Durden’s, however. There is no comparison.

Like so many other minority activists, Durden believes that racism is fine when she does it. Her subjective ideology conveniently gives cover for her to say anything she wants about whites. Unfortunately, her opinion is objectively false. She is a bigot. Which is why she should now spend less time talking to the media and more time brushing up her resume.


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