What the Media Is Showing, but Isn't Saying About Syrian Refugees

Migrants wait to cross the border from Serbia near Tovarnik

The photo above was featured in a Reuters report on Syrian migrants travelling between Serbia and Croatia in an attempt to obtain refugee status in Europe. The fairly dull report read:


Serbia gave Croatia an end-Wednesday deadline to fully lift a blockade on cargo traffic or face retaliatory measures, as relations between the ex-Yugoslav neighbors sour over the flow of migrants across their joint border.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said his government had readied political, legal and economic measures against European Union member Croatia. He said he would continue talks with his Croatian counterpart, Zoran Milanovic, in hope of reaching a deal before a deadline Vucic said would expire at midnight on Wednesday.

What the report didn’t bother noting was the fact that these migrants, in the process of living their “woe is me” refugee lifestyle, decided to desecrate a Christian graveyard, turning tombstones into campsites and cooking, chatting and snoozing with the dead.

That isn’t all they’re doing to the former Yugoslav nations. As the Reuters report noted, their squatter status has become a nightmare for both countries, which are already far from the best of friends. Croatia has closed its borders to Serbian buses full of Syrian refugees, and as a result, the borders have been closed to Serbian goods as well, reportedly costing the Serbian economy “millions in damage every day.” With a potential economic crisis looming, Serbia has sought intervention from the EU before it takes measures to “…demonstrate that Croatia cannot torture or humiliate Serbia and destroy Serbian business without consequences.”


More than 30,000 migrants have crossed from Serbia to Croatia so far. Yesterday, Hungarian police arrested a Syrian migrant “suspected of taking part in a riot on the border with Serbia, entering the country illegally and being a member of a group used as a front by Islamic extremists.”


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