Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: McConnell Praises Ted Kennedy, Gets Handwritten Note from Obama for Lynch Support

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Mitch McConnell (R-KY) praised Ted Kennedy in Boston at the Kennedy Institute Sunday night, saying his skills as a legislator were needed in the Senate now to help members cooperate.


(Did we give them a majority so they could cooperate?)

The Boston Globe reports, “Majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Kennedy was someone who could separate the personal from the political and who stayed true to his word. Those are characteristics that will help the body function better in the future, and there are already signs of progress, McConnell said.”
“A real sense of renewal is taking hold in the Senate,” said McConnell.

Seems like same old, same old.

McConnell also said he received a handwritten note from President Obama, thanking him for his cooperation on the Lynch nomination.

“A lot of folks like to joke about the odd couple that was Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch,” McConnell said, referring to the late Massachusetts Democrat and the Republican senator from Utah. “But I think Mitch McConnell and Barack Obama may have them outdone. I had to warn reporters not to faint last week before offering the president some praise on trade. I’m even getting handwritten notes from the president these days. He sent one the other day to thank me for supporting the nomination of Loretta Lynch.”


“We’ve both chosen to put policy before party. That’s how politics should be conducted, in my view,” McConnell said Sunday.

Actually, only of one you puts policy before party and that’s the GOP. The Democrats and President Obama always put party before policy. Former Majority Harry Reid obstructed the GOP minority every chance he got in the Senate. Remember when President Obama shut down the WWII Memorial and blocked the veterans from the National Mall because the GOP forced a government shutdown? The Democrats and Obama did that to gain leverage and publicly demonize the Republicans in a game of political chicken.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


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