Is the Obama-Jarrett Duo Behind Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal?

Soviet leaders just killed their enemies and told the world they went on extended vacations. American politicians prefer more Dallas-like drama — the Democrats do anyway. The latest accusation in the Hillary Clinton email scandal comes from Ed Klein’s “sources inside the White House” who claim the most powerful duo since Batman and Robin, Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett (you decide who’s playing who), is out to take down Hillary before 2016. Why? Simply put, she’s just not progressive enough.


Apparently the Clintons are aware that Hillary is “under not 1, but 6 investigations” prompted by the Obama administration. Basic cable channels everywhere wish they could get this kind of stuff on tape for a reality TV series, that is how delicious it sounds. Which makes one wonder if it’s really true. Ed Klein’s telltale book Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas has scored big in the charts for what has been dubbed its “stunning exposé of the animosity, jealousy, and competition between America’s two most powerful political couples.” But the journalist’s sources go largely unnamed and more than one anecdote hasn’t held up well under scrutiny. Does this boil down to more he-said, she-said fodder for popular consumption?

Then again, Hillary has been the whipping boy of the Democrat Party since Lewinsky (if not before). She is the epitome of Whittaker Chambers’ sad fact that Communists will never hesitate to take a personal hit for the sake of The Party. Whether the blue dress or Benghazi, Hillary has never hesitated to make a complete ass out of herself for the good of the gang. Which leads one to question: If Klein’s sources are correct, is this really a “feud” between the Obamas and Clintons, or yet another maneuver to entertain the masses while Jarrett and her cronies empower another up-and-coming radical progressive (think: Obama II: Spawn of Obama) ahead of 2016?



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