Celebrate Gay Day at DOJ Today

The Justice Department will be having a grand celebration today of being gay.  The event will take place in the prestigious Great Hall and will feature an appearance by none other than Attorney General Eric Holder.  All DOJ employees are invited to attend.


A Justice Department employee snatched a flyer advertising the event from the walls of the DOJ and provided it to PJ Media.  A full copy can be had at this link.

If you cannot attend the pride party in person, Justice Department employees can sit at their desks and watch the fete unfold on JTN – the closed circuit Justice Television Network.  The flyer:

gay day at doj

Notice that the event will feature Pam Karlan.  Karlan currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division overseeing election laws. Others have speculated Karlan is headed to the Supreme Court one day. Any Justice Department actions taken this fall in the midterm elections will need to be approved by Karlan.

State and local officials subject to those actions need to understand that Karlan is a dishonest radical academic fresh from a stint at Stanford Law School.  Her academic dishonesty hasn’t caused even a blip of discomfort among fellow left wing academics who continue to fawn over her.  Karlan’s academic dishonesty appeared in the Duke Journal of Law and Public Policy.  Unsurprisingly, her academic dishonesty centered around bashing the Bush administration DOJ as unsympathetic towards black and Hispanics.  Karlan race baited with a lie.   From Tatler last year:

“For five of the eight years of the Bush Administration, [they] brought no Voting Rights Act cases of its own except for one case protecting white voters.”

This is demonstrably false; any visit to the DOJ website demonstrates this. Karlan says the Voting Section brought no cases to protect minorities under the Voting Rights Act in five of eight years — let’s look at the record.

My article then traces out in detail the lies that Karlan published in a Duke Law scholarly publication.

I contacted the editors of the Duke Journal of Constitutional Law in September 2013 to see if Karlan ever submitted a correction for her false scholarship.  She hadn’t.


State and local election officials who tangle with DOJ this fall will have to wonder – if Karlan is willing to publish demonstrably false and unrepentant racialist accusations in a law review article, what questionable allegations will the Department be willing to make against them?

Ed Whelan has covered other instances of Karlan’s dishonesty over at National Review.  But no matter — it’s time to party with the Attorney General.

DOJ Gay Day 2014 isn’t the first taxpayer funded celebration of sexual preferences.  Gay Day 2013 saw the taxpayers fly in Melissa Etheridge to perform a special taxpayer funded private concert for DOJ employees celebrating Gay Day.  Talk about the 1%!

Judicial Watch years ago began seeking documents related to the use of taxpayer funds for these events.  Providing an intimate private concert by Melissa Etheridge isn’t without costs paid for by middle class taxpayers who never get private concerts by rock stars.  The public has a right to the records.  Predictably, one wing of the movement benefiting from the festivities is less focused on tolerance and more focused on orthodox militancy.  It described the effort to obtain these public records related to these events as a “witchhunt.”

Ironically, one of the documents DOJ sought to conceal included efforts by top DOJ political leadership to identify potentially gay employees.  If Eric Holder’s gang leads the hunt for witches, it’s apparently acceptable.


Such are the ways of the modern left.  Lie with impunity in academic journals.  Publicly celebrate private choices.  Spend your money for exclusive events they like. Create employment opportunities that incorporate fanciful entertainment diversions unheard of in most jobs. Hide facts about how your money was spent. Attack those who ask.  Is that what the flyer means by “progress?”


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