Taliban Commander: Yeah, We're Gonna Kidnap More Americans Now that Obama Gave Us Our Top Guys Back

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, doesn’t want anyone out there to “second guess” President Lightworker’s wisdom in trading five four-star Taliban commanders for one low-level US troop who may have defected.


The Taliban aren’t second-guessing anything. They got what they wanted, and now they want some more. They’re moving right on to the next phase in Obama’s shameful capitulation in Afghanistan.

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the commander said, speaking by telephone on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”

The commander has been known to TIME for several years and has consistently supplied reliable information about Bergdahl’s captivity.

While the five Talibanis Obama returned to the war are all high-level guys, there are more high-level guys still at Gitmo. One of them is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of 9-11, among other things.

Obama and Eric Holder attempted to move KSM’s trial to New York, so badly do they want him out of Gitmo. That got blocked by everyone with a brain, and KSM remains in the terrorist holding pen on Cuba. What happens when the Taliban catch another American and then demand KSM’s release? Or the Blind Sheikh’s release? Yeah, that makes one think of Benghazi and the rumors of a deal to use Ambassador Chis Steven as bait to get KSM sprung.


Tatler contributor Seton Motley pointed out something jarring on Facebook yesterday that’s worth sharing. Obama claims that the Bergdahl swap was an ordinary POW exchange done at the end of wars, like all wartime presidents have conducted at the ends of wars. Then Obama admitted that the five Taliban COs that he released may indeed return to the fight. Well then, if they return to the fight, how can Obama claim that the war is over?




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