Creepy Bob Filner Pleads Guilty, #WarOnWomen Media Continue Vigil Of Complete Silence


Former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner pleaded guilty on Tuesday to felony false imprisonment and two misdemeanor counts of battery involving three women, just weeks after he left office amid a storm of sexual harassment allegations.

The plea came in California state Superior Court. Prosecutors did not elaborate on the details of the allegations to which Filner pleaded guilty. The victims were identified only as Jane Does.

“This conduct was not only criminal, it was also an extreme abuse of power,” state Attorney General Kamala Harris said in a statement. “This prosecution is about consequence and accountability.”


False imprisonment and battery. But Mitt Romney binders or something.

The cretins in the media who would portray anyone who won’t pay for Sandra Fluke’s birth control as a misogynist have found it almost impossible to muster up any outrage over Filner, who was hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi and other high ranking California Democrats to run for Mayor in San Diego after they were informed of the fact that he was a danger to women.

Teddy Kennedy. Bill Clinton. Bob Filner.

There’s all you need to know about what Democrats think of women.


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