The Daily Caller reports that disgraced and now retired IRS officer Lois Lerner is negotiating for immunity with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
IRS scandal figure Lois Lerner is negotiating through her lawyers with Rep. Darrell Issa’s House
Oversight and Government Reform Committee about possibly gaining immunity to testify again in the committee’s investigative hearings.
“The Chairman did not adjourn the hearing, he recessed it. Ms. Lerner remains under subpoena. The Committee has not made any offer of immunity to Ms. Lerner. The Committee has, however, indicated a willingness to listen to any offers from her attorney
about what she would testify to if it was offered,” Oversight Committee adviser Ali Ahmad told The Daily Caller.
Lerner was certainly at the center of the IRS abuse scandal, but what might she know about its full extent? Does she, for instance, know how so many executive branch agencies descended on Catherine Engelbrecht? What does she know about the origins of the IRS abuse?
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