Obama Lost Ed 'Present' Markey on Syria, Too

The Boston Herald reports that Sen. Ed Markey has made up his mind on Syria.

U.S. Sen. Edward J. Markey said today he is now firmly against the use of any military attack on Syria over the use of chemical weapons.

In a statement just released, the Bay State senator said: “I cannot support the resolution that passed the Foreign Relations Committee to use force in Syria because it is too broad, the effects of a strike are too unpredictable, and because I believe we must give diplomatic measures that could avoid military action a chance to work. I commend Secretary Kerry and President Obama for their steadfastness during this conflict, which has brought Syria and Russia back to the negotiating table.

“The administration’s intended military action in Syria is designed to deter and degrade the Assad’s regime’s chemical weapons capability. I agree with such intentions – the use of chemical weapons is a heinous and horrific act outside the bounds of civilized conduct. However, I am concerned about the unintended consequences of the strikes and the potential for triggering an even greater conflagration that could be beyond our ability to predict or control.”

Last week Markey voted “present” when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 10-7 in favor of a military strike.


The more Obama and his team talked up striking Syria, the more in Congress they lost. That’s why Reid delayed the Senate vote. Obama didn’t have the votes in the Democrat-controlled Senate, even after he told Democrats that voting against him would end his presidency.

What does Obama talk about tonight? Well, he’ll say that Kerry’s gaffe was secretly the plan all along, he’ll say again that he included Congress to slow things down (in a WMD crisis? Whatever) and maybe then he’ll break down how the World Cup qualifiers are going.

It beats admitting that Putin has led him on a merry dance this week.


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