Jameson Hsieh/Associated Press
Never before in the semi-glorious history of our world famous Tatler Photo Caption Contests has there been breaking news swirling around our contest photo while the contest was raging...until now.
The Hill reports (linked from Drudge Report that has been all over this story with huge headlines:
The (rodeo clown) performer has been permanently banned from performing at the Missouri State Fair, and officials have mandated sensitivity training for future performers. Stockman (Rep. Steven Stockman R-TX) seized on that mandate in extending his invitation to perform in Texas.
“Disagreeing with speech is one thing. Banning it and ordering citizens into reeducation classes for mocking a liberal leader is another,” Stockman said. “Liberals have targeted this man for personal destruction to create a climate of fear.”
So there just might be a happy ending after all, and who knows, maybe the rodeo clown will end up as the next Governor of Texas!
Also, please note how Congressman Stockman mentioned “reeducation classes.” (Just a rodeo or caption contest away for our regulars! Obviously I had better stop the jokes because all Missouri rodeo clowns are now heading there for real.)
Now let’s get to the business at hand and announce our contest winners.
Since there were so many clever captions that rate honorable mentions, I can not re-post them all due to space considerations. So I recommend you just go back to the original contest and read all the entries by cfbleachers, zipcode, RockThisTown, William L Gensert, gr6576, rbj, Kuce, HiPlanesDrifter, and LeighB.
Our Grand Prize Winner was gr6576 with this jewel:
Wait, I thought this fundraiser was at Rodeo Drive!
The second Grand Prize goes to walterc:
Michelle Obama “For the first time in my life, I’m proud of my Cowboy.”
Third place is Alan Crowson with:
“One shovel-ready job, comin’ right up!”
Thanks to all who played along, and see you next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest.
Warning: Be sure to avoid wearing an Obama mask this Halloween or you could find yourself unemployed and fighting for an extra potato in reeducation camp. (Oh I mean sensitivity training camp, sorry.)
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