Bill Would Add IRS to Agencies Forbidden from Joining Unions

A Colorado congressman is trying to de-politicize the Internal Revenue Service with a bill adding the agency to the list of agencies where federal employees are forbidden from joining unions that enter into collective bargaining agreements.


Rep. Cory Gardner’s (R-Colo.) Preventing Unionization of Revenue Service Employees (PURSE) Act would put the IRS under the same restrictions as employees of the Government Accountability Office, FBI, CIA, and Secret Service.

“Excessive government intrusion and investigation into political nonprofit groups rings of intimidation at the highest level,” said Gardner. “Given the role of the IRS in the lives of so many Americans, it is crucial that its employees remain unbiased and administer the law without any political influences.”

“The current policy to allow IRS employees to join a union that enters into collective bargaining agreements creates a number of questions about possible political involvement and political activities.”

Gardner said he believes the bill is “an important first step in divorcing the IRS from any politically motivated actions.”


Other legislation in response to the IRS targeting of conservative groups includes Rep. Tom Price’s (R-Ga.) bill to prevent the IRS from enforcing or implementing any component of ObamaCare.

Price said Tuesday that his bill is expected to come up for a vote before the August recess.

“As we’ve seen in recent announcements from the White House, the Obama Administration is clearly unable to manage the implementation of its own health care law. We’ve also learned that the IRS is clearly unable to prudently and impartially enforce current law,” said Price, a doctor.


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