You Can Help Write the Senate Democrats' Budget

Move over, White House petitions: Now Internet users can chime in on the Senate Democrats’ budget plan through an online portal.

The Senate hasn’t passed a budget since President Obama’s first year in office, but the upper chamber is now on the hot seat to do so during the short, three-month debt ceiling extension passed in the House.


The Senate Budget Committee Democrats today launched MyBudget, where members of the public can share their stories, budget priorities, and ideas with the committee.

At this point there are fill-in-the-blank response forms for each, but committee Dems said it “will be expanded with new tools and resources over the coming months as the Budget Committee writes a pro-growth budget plan that works for middle class and communities.”

“The federal budget is where we lay out our values, our priorities, and our vision for what our government should look like now and in the future. So I believe that it is absolutely critical that the ideas and perspectives of families across America are heard loud and clear in a budget process that belongs to them, but is too often limited to politicians and bureaucrats,” said committee chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.).


“In the future, I also hope to expand MyBudget to allow members of the public to share their ideas and discuss issues with their friends, as well as organize and advocate for their budget values and priorities about using social media and other platforms.”

Murray moves into the lead position on the committee this Congress, having led the Veterans Affairs Committee in the 112th. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) takes over that panel.


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