James O'Keefe Teases New Video

Something interesting arrived in my inbox today, from Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe:

On Monday we wrapped up filming on our latest video series – which is slated for immediate release, just as soon as production is complete.

This time we took our investigation straight to the doorsteps of so-called journalists like never before. 

I can hardly wait to show you the footage – the hypocrisy and sad comedy of what we captured is truly unprecedented.


Later in the email, he offers a hint of what he and his team have been up to. After describing the New York Journal News‘ decision to map the home addresses of legal pistol permit holders in its reading area, O’Keefe zeroes in on a newspaper that supports exposing even more legal gun owners.

Now its editors seem to think publishing the names and addresses of permit holders in New Jersey is such a good idea that it’s “something the legislature should discuss.”

In other words, to prevent violence like Newtown, The Journal News and Star-Ledger want to risk causing EVEN MORE violence.

…by turning law-abiding gun owners into targets for thieves and other criminals.

But the absurdity doesn’t end there.

After a local blogger gave The Journal News a taste of its own medicine by publishing its editors’ home addresses online, the paper hired guards to protect their offices.

And – you guessed it – the guards were armed.

Any guesses what he’s up to?



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