OIC Decries Satirical Mohammed in French Magazine

Oh dear, we’ve gone and done it again. The Religion of Perpetual Outrage has found another “incitement” to be, well, outraged about.

A French satirical magazine has printed a comic book caricature of the Prophet Mohammed which the Arab News says incites “hatred and intolerance” of Muslims.” Actually, I think people would be willing to give Muslims a bigger break if they laughed along with us. Instead, the only hatred and intolerance on display comes from Muslims. Laughing at the prophet hardly engenders hatred. In fact, I can’t remember the last time laughing at anybody made anyone hate them.


Laughter and hate would, under normal circumstances, be mutually exclusive. But of course, these aren’t “normal” circumstances. The proprieties of victimology must be strictly observed.

OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu expressed concern at the publication of the comic book series on the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Ihsanoglu said the publication went against the norms of responsible journalism and was tantamount to abuse of the right to freedom of expression. He added that incitement and advocacy of hatred and intolerance on religious grounds signified by this publication was in contravention of international human rights laws and instruments.

He called on the magazine to abide by the provisions, particularly those in the European Union (EU) context, on incitement to hatred and violence. He urged the authorities in France to take appropriate action against the magazine.

Thankfully, the “authorities” in France have better things to do than destroy the rights of free speech for Frenchmen. For instance, they can patrol those areas where Muslim youth routinely set cars on fire for sport. That would be “appropriate action” and a worthwhile expenditure of time.


I realize this is a dog bites man story, but any attack on free speech should be answered. I am deaf to entreaties for tolerance from the most demonstrably intolerant religion on earth and I will grant them respect for their prophet when they show a smidgeon of understanding and respect for our traditions of free expression.

Until then — draw on everyone!


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