NYT Identifies FBI Agent Who Started Petraeus Probe

His name is Frederick Humphries. He’s a veteran agent who also happened to have been a family friend of Jill Kelley. She complained to him about Paula Broadwell’s harassing emails, he started an inquiry but evidently wasn’t on the investigation itself.


I’ll skip to the shirtless pic part. It was apparently less than the media has made it out to be.

Mr. Berger took issue with news media reports that have said his client sent shirtless pictures of himself to Ms. Kelley.

“That picture was sent years before Ms. Kelley contacted him about this, and it was sent as part of a larger context of what I would call social relations in which the families would exchange numerous photos of each other,” Mr. Berger said.

The photo was sent as a “joke” and was of Mr. Humphries “posing with a couple of dummies.” Mr. Berger said the picture was not sexual in nature.

Humphries believed that once the investigation pointed toward Petraeus and his affair with Broadwell, it got stalled for political reasons. That’s when he started reaching out to members of Congress including minority leader Rep. Eric Cantor, who never went public with it.


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