Obama Claims to have Created More Jobs than Reagan. Let's Look at Some Facts.

The Obama campaign claims that President Obama has created more jobs than President Ronald Reagan did. It’s an absurd claim. Under Obama’s watch we have fewer net workers in the labor force than we did when he took office. They don’t even bother to square that fact with their claim. They just claim it, as Stephanie Cutter does in this clip.


Mystery Patriot has created a graph to illustrate its absurdity. Keep the link around in case you need to lay some facts on an undecided voter.

Click over to MP to see the stats that power the graphic. Those stats include:

  • Net private sector jobs created during the first 37 months after the end of the recession that Obama inherited (June 2009-July 2012): 2.7 million
  • Net private sector jobs created during the first 37 months after the end of the recession that Reagan inherited (November 1982-May 1985): 9.8 million


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