Spreading Fear And Despondency

Recently I’ve been reading the anti-Obama blogsphere, and yesterday it finally got to me.

I have only one question to ask – are you insane?

No, let me add a few other questions: Have you gone completely out of your minds?  Do you want to lose?  And do you understand fully what a loss would mean?


I hate to say it but I think the answers are yes, yes, yes and no.

I don’t like yelling at people on the right.  Like Reagan, I hold on to the idea that there are no enemies on the right.  I prefer to make my points in nicer ways.  However, there comes a time any good housewife reaches for the broom.  It is now time for the broom.

Yesterday at various blogs I read over and over again that the Dem convention gave Obama a big bounce, that he’s winning, that his approval is now over 50%, that their enthusiasm is as high as that of the Republican crowd, that–

And then you look at the polls that caused this “sky is falling” fit.  What are those polls?  Those polls are, in fact, the same old sh*te.  They poll all adults, which you KNOW skews Democrat.  They poll registered voters, which you know skews Democrat.  They poll with a skew of 4% Democrats over Republicans as though this were still 2008, as if 2010 had never happened.

Then all the people on the right echo these as though they were legitimate and say “oh, but the polls were correct before.”

Really?  The polls were correct before?  When?  The very last polls before the elections, when pollsters try to salvage their reputation?  Sometimes.  More or less.  Kind of.  But up till then when something can be got from the propaganda and from seeding despondency on the right, the polls have been insanely skewed.

Beyond all that, 2008 and before was a different game.  The unemployment statistics used to be more or less correct, too, and, oh, yeah, the Justice Department didn’t used to sue pollsters.  Neither of those is true anymore.


But, you’ll say “that’s too much like a conspiracy theory” – I’m no fonder of conspiracy theories than you are, and I refuse to believe that someone has (for instance) been keeping secrets for centuries.  However, unless you are going to deny that Journolist ever existed, that respectable journalists engaged to elect Barack Obama despite his deep negatives by coordinating attacks on anyone who challenged him, you can’t say they don’t conspire on the propaganda front.  In fact, that’s all they have.  The propaganda front.

They can’t govern. Marxism has never worked in the real world and will never work.  But they’re good at the propaganda front, because it’s easy to make people go along with you who are in professions where they depend on being seen as cool and hip: the media, entertainment.  And if that fails there’s the Chicago boot of the Justice Department.

Which brings me back to – what are you thinking?  Why are you echoing flawed polls?  Why are you telling us it’s all over?  That we don’t have a fighting chance, that Obama will be elected again?

Do I want you to sound all cheery?  No.  Of course not.  If there are real difficulties, show them.  But must you do the propaganda job for the other side?

This morning while exercising, I was watching an episode of a mystery series set in World War II.  In it, someone in an air raid shelter starts telling everyone that England already lost.  This was a crime, punishable with 25 years in jail.

Was it because the English wanted to hide the truth from their people?  In some cases, yes.  I know this annoys the Vietnam war generation, but it’s still true.  In some cases, if the general public doesn’t know about reverses that could mean defeat but might not, it is by far the best.  But in most cases the truth was known.  People knew what reverses had happened.


What they couldn’t afford was for people to stand around telling each other it was all over.  This is because people might feel despondent at times, but if by repeating and hammering the bad news, and amplifying them everyone came to feel it was all over but the shouting, they would not do the things that were needed to win: collect tin and paper, work in the factories, volunteer to serve.  People who think they already lost aren’t motivated.

This is more important in our case.  Far more important.

Romney was no one’s ideal candidate, but let’s face it, no one was anyone’s ideal candidate.  There was one I liked better than Romney, but there was no Reagan among the collection.

After the nomination, people fell in line for Romney because – anyone but Obama.  I’d vote for Clone-of-Obama if needed, because during the transition the wrecking of the country would slow down.  Beyond that, while Romney might be a RINO (there are indications he actually is a federalist) he doesn’t hate the US and he doesn’t want to destroy us.  If you don’t think that’s a big difference over Mr. “every country is special” and Mr. “I’ll have more flexibility after the election,” you are out of your mind.

Talking about Romney already having lost – what, a week after the nomination?  Really? – only makes the libertarians say, “Oh, I won’t soil myself with voting for him, then.  I’ll vote for Gary Johnson.”  It makes the social conservatives say, “I’ll stay home and pray for the country.”  It makes the doom and gloom crowd say, “I won’t vote.  I’ll buy ammo and be ready to fight the civil war.”


Yeah, praying and arming yourselves won’t ever hurt (talk of civil war might), but deciding not to vote on the basis of skewed polls and smarmy Journolist spin is just stupid.  And amplifying and giving credence to the MSM spin when you KNOW the polls are beyond flawed and that the Justice Department has its jackboots into the pollsters is criminal.  Yes, criminal.  It’s spreading fear and despondency.

Do you feel scared at times?  Do you wonder if we’ve gone too far?  Do you wonder if we can’t win?  Everyone does.  Do you not want to delude yourselves?  No one does.

But we already have a disadvantage in not having a dedicated media.  MUST you amplify the media?  What is the point of fear and despondency but to make our side give up?

The signs are against the polls.  The very success of the 2016 documentary is against the polls.  The registration momentum is against the polls.

Is America going to go back after Obama because he gave a speech?  Oh, for heaven’s sake, even the MSM admitted it wasn’t a good speech.  That’s why they played on Clinton extensively.

I live in a red area in the middle of a blue area.  Four years ago you couldn’t walk down the street without seeing Obama’s signs everywhere.  Now there are two in the entire neighborhood.  Are there Romney signs?  Well, no.  But there aren’t Romney signs at my house either.  I have cars and outdoor cats.  Vandals always strike Republican signs.  It’s who they are.  However there are a lot of signs for the local republican candidate to city council.  Perhaps I’m stupid in reading these as proxies, but I don’t think so.


They’re not enthusiastic.  They’ve got nothing.  Nothing except propaganda.  Amplifying the propaganda will make them enthusiastic again.  It will destroy turnout and interest on our side, too.  Is that what you want?

And don’t you talk to me about another chance in 2016.  You have no idea what you’re talking about.  No, we’re not Argentina.  No, we’re not Greece.  We don’t have a bigger, healthier economy to prop us up when we fall.  When we fall, civilization goes down for the count with us.  It’s not another partisan contest.  Yes, it’s that important.  When you aid and abet the other side you’re slipping a knife between the ribs of civilization.

So stop freaking out already.  Go on the attack.  Analyze the internals on the polls.  Then point out how DESPERATE the other side has to be to game polls this way.

More importantly, though, keep your mood up.  This making up of polls is the last effort of a dying ideology.  It’s ALL they have, and it’s transparent.  Make fun of them.  Make fun of their “belonging to the government.”  Make fun of their “summer of recovery”; make fun of their wanting no choice in ANYTHING but abortion.

If you’re depressed, take a walk, talk to a friend, go read a book, but do not sit down and write to spread fear and despondency. If we lose, it’s not Romney who is to blame: it’s you, who amplified the message from the other side and spread despondency among uncertainly attached voters.

And then stop seeing ghosts.  Stop jumping at the sight of propaganda posters.  Obama is only DRAWN heroic.  In fact he’s a little, tiny man. If we can’t defeat Obama, we might as well pack up Western civilization.  It is done.


I don’t think it is done.  I don’t believe we are done.  I’m not ready to lie down and die.  I don’t think Obama is surging – unless you make him.  So, stop doing that.  Like the recovery which has been touted for three years and which the first time around was all over every paper, Obama’s surge is a mirage.

The great and powerful Oz is a little man behind a curtain.  Obama is worse than that.  He’s the little man who wasn’t there.  A creation of the media and propaganda.  There’s nothing there.  Stop shaking in your boots and pull back the curtain.


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