President Obama Shamed by Media Into Holding Surprise Press Conference

Is the mainstream media in charge of our country now? Last week, President Obama submitted to ridiculously fluffy interviews with People, Entertainment Tonight and local radio stations. In these interviews, Obama was asked hard-hitting questions such as what superpower would he choose if he could choose one, and which does he prefer: Red peppers or green ones? One of the interviewers who grilled POTUS later giggled about flirting with him.


The media complained loudly, and noted that while President GotALotOnHisPlate gave interviews to the heavy hitters at ET, he hadn’t held a press conference with the White House press corp in two months. The White House initially responded that it considers the likes of People to have equal weight with newspapers and cable news nets. The Beltway media was not amused.

Presto! The president holds a surprise press conference with the White House press corps today.

The media that helped Obama into office is now pulling the president’s strings.


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